Schematic diagram of the three circuits analysed in this work. Schematic diagram of the three circuits analysed in this work. (A) Negative feedback loop where the TetR protein is fused to GFP (TG‐nf) on a low copy plasmid (∼4 copies). (B) Negative feedback loop, where TetR represses itself and also production of GFP (T+G‐nf). TetR is located in a low‐copy plasmid (∼4 copies) and the reporter on a medium‐copy plasmid (∼60 copies). (C) TetR is constitutively produced and represses GFP production. TetR is located in a low‐copy plasmid (∼4 copies) and the reporter on a medium‐copy plasmid (∼60 copies). The circles represent the protein produced: T for TetR, G for GFP and P for polymerase. Promoters are shown as squares: A for the TetR promoter and its regulatory region, C for the GFP promoter and its regulatory region and Z for all other promoters in E. coli that could compete for the polymerase. RNA is shown as a wavy line. Arrows mean activation and line ended lines inhibition. Yann Dublanche et al. Mol Syst Biol 2006;2:41 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend