November 2, 2013 ACM Education Council Meeting San Francisco, CA
Two pilot projects (TauRUs: Taulbee for the Rest of Us) were conducted with a similar goal of gathering data from non-doctoral- granting departments: Goldweber, M TauRUs: A "Taulbee survey" for the rest of us. ACM Inroads 2, 2 (June 2011), Tims, J. and Williams, S. The TauRUs project: a complement to the Taulbee report. ACM Inroads 3, 1 (March 2012), ACM adopted the project and the inaugural ACM-NDC survey was conducted during the winter and spring of 2013
Timely, national-level statistics to Help department leaders in discussions with faculty and administration Help current and prospective faculty understand salary situation Complement CRA Taulbee Survey to give more complete picture of computing workforce supply in colleges and universities Provide useful information to media about trends and current workforce climate, making ACM and CRA the go-to sources of this information)
Qualifying schools were identified using Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System (IPEDS); i.e., the pool considered were all institutions who grant federal financial aid Invitations to participate were sent by John White, ACM President, to 926 academic units from 767 institutions The survey was conducted by Market Vision and summary statistics provided to the steering committee A special report appears in the most recent Inroads (Sept. 2013, vol.4, no.3)
93 institutions responded (~12%) 30 public, 63 private 191 total programs -160 bachelors, 31 masters Note: the 160 bachelors programs is a response rate of 17.2% of known 926 academic units 83 provided faculty information (81 giving salary information) Geographic distribution a bit skewed 30 Northeast, 34 Midwest, 20 South, 8 West Almost exclusively co-ed (2 all-female)
Information about programs offered Type of program (CS, CE, IS, IT, SE) Accreditation information Demographic information on students enrolled in Bachelors and Masters programs Demographic and salary information on faculty Salary information could be reported at the individual or aggregate level
The majority of programs represented were CS (108) followed by CE/SE (12 each) and IT(10) ABET accreditation was more common at public institutions and at those institutions that grant Masters degrees CS/CE/SE programs were more likely to be accredited than IS/IT programs
Overall enrollment in Bachelors programs saw an 11% increase between and The Taulbee survey reported an 8.9% growth in bachelors enrollment for the same period Enrollment growth was relatively even for public and private institutions Masters granting institutions saw double the enrollment growth in comparison to non- Masters granting (14% vs. 7%)
The largest enrollment growth was seen in IT (23.9%) Growth in SE was 15.4% Growth in CE was 14.6% Growth in CS was 11.0% Growth in IS was 1.6%
In CS, NDC programs had 34.8% of their enrollment comprised of new majors compared to 30.3% in Taublee programs Overall, NDC programs had 27.7% new major enrollment compared 30.4% in Taulbee programs The average number of majors per department was 67.3 in NDC schools versus in Taublee schools
NDC programs reported an expected 13.9% increase in degree production in vs (cf. Taulbee reports 15.7% increase) Anticipated increases were larger at public (18.1%) and Masters granting (18.9%) than private (8.1%) and non-Masters granting (10.2%) IT/SE/CS programs predict increases while IS appear stagnant and CE declining
NDC reports a higher percentage of female students (16.2%) than Taulbee (13.3%) The percentage of females in CS programs at private institutions is significantly higher than at publics (21.7% vs. 11.0%) and at non- Masters vs. Masters granting schools (17.9% vs. 12.5%)
NDC schools report higher percentages of Hispanic/Latino (+1%), American Indian/Alaska Native (+0.7%), and Black/African American (+2%)students than Taulbee schools Asian students enrollment is significantly lower at NDC schools (8.1% vs. 16.7%)
Degrees: 26.2% expected increase in masters production in over % in CS; +56.5% IT; +31.1% SE Compare Taulbee: +9.8% overall; -10.3% in CS Overall Enrollment: +14.9% ( to ) CS +17.2%; IT +24.8%; SE +7.1%; IS +11.5%; CE -9.5%
Gender: 29.1% masters grads female (very close to Taulbee) In CS, 36.2% NDC vs. 22.6% in Taulbee Ethnicity (NDC To Taulbee) Asian-Amer: 13.4% v. 8%. African-Amer: 7.9% v. 2.7% Hispanic: 1.1% v. 2.5%; White 27.1 v. 32.2%. Non-res: 49.9% v. 53.8%
Average of 8.1 faculty (6.5 FTE) per dept (about ¼ the typical Taulbee dept) Of these, average of 5 (4.9 FTE) are tenure- track (vs for Taulbee depts) About 25% female vs 17.8% for Taulbee depts Fraction of female faculty is higher than Taulbee for all faculty ranks Over 80% white or Asian ethnicities (similar to Taulbee)
7% attrition rate for tenure-track faculty NDC faculty more likely to leave for non- academic position, while Taulbee faculty are more likely to leave for another academic position
About one opening for every two institutions 83% (a total of 33 hires) were filled (vs 68% for Taulbee depts); most at Asst Prof level, as expected 30.3% of new hires were women (vs 22.4% in Taulbee depts) 3% of new hires from underrepresented ethnicities (vs 8.3% in Taulbee depts)
Doctoral for hiring at senior rank for hiring at assistant professor level at over 80% of departments For promotion at almost every department (though some depts could promote someone with a Masters degree into a senior rank even if they couldnt hire directly into a senior rank) Masters For full-time non-tenure-track positions
Median 9-mo salaries of $76K for assistant, $89K for associate, $98K for full (lower than Taulbee depts by over 17% at all ranks, and over 40% at full prof rank) Higher medians at public institutions than at private institutions, and higher medians at institutions granting masters degrees than at those that dont grant masters degrees
Our team worked very well together Good support from Market Vision in turning data around quickly and responding to our questions Great cooperation from John Impagliazzo and Inroads to get the report included in the September issue Received and accepted and invitation from Huffington Post to blog about the study and its results
Response rate was disappointing The format of data received from Market Vision made it difficult to analyze results This issue has already been discussed with Market Vision
Building participation More personal contact Better job of articulating benefits of the study Additional analysis of data involving participants from previous year to obtain more accurate trends