Review OF musical elements DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
PITCH The quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it Pitch can be said to be high or low when comparing two or more pieces of music. Concert pitch refers to the universal pitch to which all instruments in a concert setting are tuned, so they all produce the same frequency when playing middle C. DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
MELODY An organized sequence of tones played in succession to make up a phrase or idea The leading part in a piece of music with accompaniment (more than one part) A pretty name for a girl with a beautiful voice! DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
HARMONY An accompaniment of other music notes or parts to a melody The “vertical” aspect of music – harmonies are built on several parts, called chords DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
RHYTHM Movement, marked by strong and weak patterns Regular or irregular pulses DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
TIMBRE The “colour” of music The character or quality of a particular sound The reason why our voices and instruments sound different Adjectives used to describe timbre: reedy, brassy, clear, warm, harsh, mellow, resonant, dark, bright, heavy, light, breathy, rounded, focused, unfocused DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
The speed or pace of a given piece of music TEMPO The speed or pace of a given piece of music Tempo terms: Grave – Very slow Largo/Lento – Slow Adagio – A bit faster than largo Andante – At a walking pace Allegretto – Moderately fast Allegro – Fast Presto – Very fast DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
The shape of the melody, which usually rises and falls CONTOUR The shape of the melody, which usually rises and falls DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
The volume of a note or part of a piece of music DYNAMICS The volume of a note or part of a piece of music DEEN LES Resource Bank Project 2013-2014 Released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence