P5 Residential Dalguise, Perthshire Mon, 16th April – Wed, 18th April Lochgoilhead Centre Mon, 23rd April – Fri, 27th April
Challenging and fun! Activities are chosen to suit the requirements of the group 4 x 1 ½ hour activity sessions every day A full evening entertainments programme run by PGL staff includes discos, talent shows and quizzes Benefits of a multi-activity course include: - improved self confidence - improved team-building skills - better peer group relationships - raised self esteem - increased motivation.
Lochgoilhead Outdoor Education Abseiling Archery Canoeing Climbing Fencing Jacob’s Ladder Zip Wire A wide range of premium adventure activities at all PGL centres – the above list is a small sample of those available. Individual as well as team challenges Activities designed to encourage new skills and develop existing ones. Activities vary according to centre. This list is a sample.
What will we be doing Monday Leave school 9.30AM Arrive Dalguise 11.30AM Meet Groupie Tour of the site Lunch 12.15PM Free time Activity 1 1.45PM Activity 2 3.30PM Dinner 5.30PM Evening activity with Groupie 7PM Ready for bed 9PM Lights out 9.30PM PGL provides a wide range of top quality residential adventure and educational courses for more than 4,500 groups every year All PGL centres and activities are risk assessed to comply with legal requirements and best practice. Risk assessments are available by request and on the PGL website Centres are subject to the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority regulations (AALA) where appropriate ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents) bonded means your money is protected BAHA – British Activity Holiday Association. Responsible for establishing operating guidelines for the activity holiday industry.
Catering & dietary needs Three meals per day Dietary requirements catered for. Continual investment in healthy menus Fresh ingredients fully traceable to audited suppliers Freshly cooked Processed food avoided Meals meet Local Authority guidelines Caterers can deal with most dietary requirements but please ensure the party leader is aware of any dietary requirements well in advance.
What should We Pack? Waterproof jacket Waterproof trousers Warm jacket Warm trousers or jogging bottoms x 4 (NO JEANS) T – shirts fleeces/sweatshirts Underwear Pyjamas Socks – lots of (long socks are best) Trainers x 2 pairs Wellies or walking boots Wash bag Woolly hat and gloves x 2 Water bottle (drinking) Towel x2 Bin bag Teddy A small back pack
Dalguise Cost - £200 19th May (non refundable deposit) £50 29th September £50 30th November £50 31st January £50 Additional £5.00 pocket money
Lochgoilhead Cost - £315 19th May (non refundable deposit) £50 29th September £65 30th November £65 31st January £65 15th March £TBC approx £70 Additional £5.00 pocket money
I-pay All residential payments can be made through I pay You can use your debit or credit card. Secure and easy to use. Payment reminders will appear and you can track payments If unsure of procedures contact Mrs Boden
What should We NOT Pack?
Things to do while we are away
Things not to do while we are away
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