Vocab List #3 Jiovany O.
Innocuous In-knock-u-us Adjective: Innocuous, Noun: Innocuousness Definition: Not harmful or offensive The statement seemed to be innocuous Good way to remember: Innocuous and Inoffensive begin the same way
Pernicious Per-nish-es Adjective: Pernicious, Noun: Perniciousness Definition: Deadly The black widow is pernicious Good way to remember: When I think of something that is pernicious I think of something that is poisoness.
Ubiquitous U-bik-wit-us Adjective: Ubiquitous, Noun: Ubiquitousness Definition: Able to be found everywhere; ever present Life on earth is ubiquitous Good way to remember: just think of god as being ubiquitous because people say he is everywhere
Punctilious Punk-til-ious Adjective: Punctilious, Noun: punctiliousness Definition: Having attention to detail or good behavior English teachers are very punctilious when it comes to grammar. Good way to remember: When I think of punctilious I think of being punctual because both start with punc and being both is often good.
Excoriating Ex-core-e-ating Verb: Excoriated, Excoriating, Noun: Excoriation Definition: To severely criticize or burning People are always excoriating the president Good way to remember: Like the saying goes: “Haters gonna hate” you can say: “Excoriaters gonna excoriate