GBV survey: development of the questionnaire EUROSTAT 20 March 2018
Developing the questionnaire Supported by ISTAT and TF on GBV Following steps: Mapping policy needs Reviewing national and international experiences Expert’s discussion: Discussion on topics of the survey and list of indicators: TF meeting February 2017 Written consultations on list of variables: April-May 2017 Discussion on the questionnaire: TF meeting June 2017 followed by written discussion through Yammer: August 2017 Translation and pretesting the questionnaire: Questionnaire for pretesting and description of the variables: shared September 2017 Guidelines for pretesting: shared October 2017
Indicators agreed internationally Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) critical area D. Violence against women Core and optional indicators at UN level (group of the Friends of the Chair of the United Nations Statistical Commission on Statistical Indicators on Violence against Women) Global minimum set of gender indicators (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators Istanbul Convention: requirement of data collection Indicators developed by EIGE to measure the satellite domain of Violence in the Gender Equality Index
Indicators (discussed by TF on GBV) Physical/sexual violence: prevalence rate by sex/age group/relationship between victim and perpetrator, during lifetime/ 5 years/last year Psychological/physical/sexual violence by partner: prevalence rate for ever partnered women and men, during lifetime/ 5 years/last year Stalking: prevalence rate for women and men during lifetime/ 5 years/last year Sexual violence in childhood: prevalence rate by sex, age group/relationship between victim and perpetrator Sexual harassment at work: prevalence rate by sex, age group/relationship between victim and perpetrator, during lifetime/ 5 years/last year
In the context of Istanbul Convention “Gender‐based violence against women” shall mean violence that is directed against a woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately Forms of violence: psychological, physical, sexual violence, stalking, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, forced abortion/sterilisation, sexual harassment Violence occurring in public or in private life
Translating definitions to questions 28 Member States, more than 500 million people in age 18+ Experiences on data collection Personal experiences Trust of institutions Level of awareness Facts: as objective as possible - what experienced Opinion: to assess differences How respondent understand the question What respondent is ready to share
Questionnaire structure Contacting filled by interviewer Respondent background all Sexual harassment at work Ever worked: screening, “Yes” Non-partner violence Screening all, rest if “Yes” Non-partner episode If “Yes” Current partner background If has partner Current partner violence Screening all partnered, rest if “Yes” Current partner episode If “Yes” Former partner violence Screening ever partnered, rest if “Yes” Former partner episode If “Yes” Former partner background If “Yes” Stalking Screening all, rest if “Yes” Violence in childhood Screening all, rest if “Yes” Support services and general victimisation all
Respondent/household background Core variables: sex, age, education, origin, employment, etc. Ever worked Economic independence Partners: current and former Social network Partners: living or not living together
Sexual harassment at work Screening Who did it Happened once or more When last time: last year/5 years/earlier Number of episodes last year Reporting to someone Knowing if help available Awareness
Non-partner violence Screening, for each act: who did Separately for threats/physical/sexual violence and for each perpetrator: Happened once or more When last time: last year/5 years/earlier Number of episodes last year: 1 to 10, more than 10: frequency Physical violence: any injuries, when last time For physical/sexual violence: talked to someone Threats+physical+sexual violence by perpetrator: Duration of violence Health consequences due to violent experiences
Non-partner violence: episode Threats/physical/sexual violence together: last episode What and where happened, who did, what respondent did Alcohol, drugs, weapons, feeling that life was in danger Physical injuries, mental consequences Help from medical/other services Reporting to police and satisfaction Consequences of violence: work, studies, housework, childcare Awareness: was it crime
Separately current/any former partner Psychological violence: Screening When last time: last year/5 years/earlier Frequency during last year Separately for threats/physical/sexual violence: Happened once or more Number of episodes last year: 1 to 10, more than 10 If more than 10: how often For physical/sexual violence: talked to someone Threats+physical+sexual violence: Duration of violence Health consequences due to violent experiences (if not “yes” before)
Current partner violence: episode Former partner violence: episode Threats+physical+sexual violence - last episode: What and where happened, more than partner, what respondent did to defend her/himself Alcohol, drugs, weapons, feeling that life was in danger Physical injuries Help from medical/other services Reporting to police and satisfaction Consequences of violence: work, studies, housework, childcare Awareness: was it crime Threats+physical+sexual violence - all episodes: Frequency Mental consequences, alcohol/drugs use due to violence Permanent damage Violence during pregnancy/children as victims/witnesses Separation from partner due to violence
Current/last violent former partner Background: Age, sex, origin, education, activity status Duration of relationship Partner is drinking alcohol Partner is violent outside of home Partner ever had trouble with police Weapons accessible for the partner
Stalking Screening, for each act: who did For each perpetrator: Duration Frequency When last time: last year/5 years/earlier Experienced before aged 15 For last perpetrator: reported to official For all episodes: Reported to police and satisfaction Any change as result of reporting What respondent did to protect her/himself
Violence in childhood Violence between parents Emotional violence by parents Physical violence - separately less and more serious: Who did Physical violence by perpetrator: Frequency Sexual violence - separately rape and other: Sexual violence: Age when first episode happened Talked to someone what happened
Support services/victimisation Knowledge about availability of different victim support services Level of awareness: how common is intimate partner violence against women/men General victimization experiences during last 5 years, if yes, then did it happen during last year, if yes number of episodes: Stolen car Stolen motorcycle, scooter or moped Burglary Robbery using the force Theft without force
Pretesting the questionnaire Finished by 7 countries Questionnaire was translated in eight different languages Different pretesting methods were used: experts' review: 4 countries focus group: 4 countries cognitive interviews: 5 countries, 14-22 interviews per country test respondent interviewing method: 1 country Methodological reports delivered in January 2018 The questions were considered sensitive, however, not too personal and still possible to answer The respondent burden was a major theme arising from the reports and countries recommended shortening the questionnaire: however, NL sent to respondents 200 paper questionnaires and 129 were returned
Discussions in the TF: 7-8 March 2018 Private experts: Focusing on victim and episodes instead of victim GBV survey in FR: including sexual orientation Sharing Canadian experience on conducting GBV survey Five member states: To share pretesting experiences Discussion the general comments: duration the interview, ordering the sections in the questionnaire, non-partner violence before and after age 15, last vs most serious episode Discussion at question level
Focus on victim Focus on violent episodes Non-partner Current partner Former partner List of violent acts: merged WHO When last episode Aggregated level Episode 1: who, when, injury Episode 2: who, when, injury Episode 3: who, when, injury Episode 4: who, when, injury Episode 5: who, when, injury Episode ..: who, when, injury Episodes: what number frequency injury Number of episodes Frequency of episodes Ever injured Episode Episode Episode + focus more to catch all violent experiences - Less information at each episode level: e.g. which episode caused injury; not possible to sum up episodes to know total + information about each episode - Complicated for the respondent: repeated violence = very similar episodes = series of episodes; to list chronologically single episodes and series of episodes, might be challenging; if not lifetime list, lifetime not covered If we ask separately for non-partner, current partner, former partner, helps respondent to recall the situations and not to miss any experienced act. We should not merge acts or perpetrators, especially when level of awareness is not high by general population. If we ask in this way, we should not add the questions about each single act – too much for the respondent. But in this way we might miss information that helps us understand violence experienced by men and women. Compromise could be to collect a bit more information about all episodes experienced by each perpetrator: type of non-partner perpetrator, current partner, last violent former partner
Example 5 pencils: 2 red, 1 blue, 2 brown This month: 1 Which colour: do not know How many red pencils you have? How many blue pencils you have? How many brown pencils you have? Do you remember what you bought this month? How many pencils you bought this month? 1 pencil Please think about all your pencils you have bought during last 6 months. Pencil 1. What colour? When did you buy that? Month: ________ March 5 pencils: 2 red, 1 blue, 2 brown This month: 1 Which colour: blue Pencil 2. What colour? When did you buy that? Month: ________ February Pencil 3. What colour? When did you buy that? Month: ________ February Pencil 4. What colour? When did you buy that? Month: ________ Do you remember for all, when you bought them? November Pencil 5. What colour? When did you buy that? Month: ________ October
Information about episodes At the level of each perpetrator and type of violence: Current partner Any former partner Relative Friend Someone at work Acquaintance Stranger Threats Physical violence Sexual violence
Information about episodes At the level of each perpetrator and type of violence: What happened – which acts experienced Once or more (lifetime) When last time: last year/5 years/earlier Number of episodes during last year: exact number for 1 to 10, frequency for more than ten episodes Only physical violence: physical injury lifetime/last year Only physical/sexual violence: talked to someone Only for partner violence: psychological violence: when was last time (last year/5 years/earlier) and frequency during last year Last non-partner/current partner/former partner episode The problem here is that we cannot sum-up the number of episodes. At the moment it was proposed to change the questionnaire in that way, that we will focus more on episode., but not at each single episode, but on series of episodes if we will define the series of episodes through perpetrator. This should be compromise between two different approaches.
Finalising the questionnaire Conclusions based on discussion during TF Conclusions based on written online discussion: 16 March Sharing next version of the questionnaire with TF members: 9 April Final version of the questionnaire for the pilot survey: end of April, but as soon as possible
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Comments?