Good morning! Please get out your First Four tracker, your Unit 6 notes, and your Major Themes Sheet Today’s tasks: Finish GD & ND – How “great” was FDR? Paper 1 Review & example Other AICE Exam resources
What characters or symbols to you see? What vocab do you associate with this? What is the message?
How “great” was FDR? See handout Groups work & discuss
Italy Trip Price goes up $300 on Sunday!!! Register & pay $200 today or tomorrow, if you want to go. See Trotter, Douthit, or the link on the website.
Paper 1 Some resources - The Dred Scott Judgment
Paper 1 Part A Read the question carefully. Read the docs – mark them up Historical context – vocab & setting POVL - reliability One paragraph on similarities One paragraph on differences One paragraph of your own analysis of whether the sources are similar or different and making a final judgment of how much or to what extent the sources agree – answer the question.
Paper 1 Part B Read the question carefully. Mark up the documents P1 - Contextual Knowledge: 1-3 sentences What do you know? Vocabulary? Historical setting? P2 - Analysis of Each Source - POVL How far does each support… In what ways does each support… In what ways does each not support… P2 or P3 - Grouping of Sources – Which support the assertion? Which don’t? Ex – Source A & C are similar in that… Ex – Source B & D are similar b/c…However, they disagree that… P3 or P4 - Make a final conclusion or argument that answers the question. Show context & evaluation of sources - POVL