Do Now: take out a new page of notes
Objective: to understand the structure of Shakespearean sonnets February 9, 2018 Objective: to understand the structure of Shakespearean sonnets Opening: Shakespeare video Work Period: sonnet notes Closing: Sonnet 18
Homework None Vocab Unit 8 assignments due Monday, Feb. 12th Vocab Unit 8 quiz on Tuesday, Feb. 13th
How much do you know about Shakespeare?
Shakespearean Sonnets Derives from sonetto, meaning little sound or song Written in iambic pentameter Each line consists of 10 syllables Syllables are divided into 5 pairs (iambs) 1 unstressed syllable + 1 stressed syllable = iamb Ex: goodBYE Iambic pentameter sounds like: baDUM baDUM baDUM baDUM baDUM When I / do COUNT / the CLOCK / that TELLS / the TIME
Shakespearean Sonnets (2) 14 lines long First 12 lines are separated into 3 quatrains Ends with 1 couplet (2 lines) Quatrains follow rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef Couplet follows rhyme scheme: gg
Sonnet 141