Distinctions in Agriculture Need for capital & labor (both intensive) Type of Land Use (Int or Ext) Goal of Agriculture Location Type Use of Water Capital intensive: -heavy use of machines, few ppl. -MDC’s Labor intensive: -large #’s of ppl and little capital. -Usually LDC’s but some MDC crops still require human hands. Intensity (use) depends on price of land and population. Intensive: Large amount of output per acre usually to small plots of land. Concentrated use of labor/capital EX: Rice. Greenhouses Extensive: Smaller output so you need more space. Ex: wheat in U.S or a nomadic goat herder Subsistence: farmer feeds family. Maybe a little surplus. LDC’s Commercial: Farmer wants to profit, make a buck. MDC’s (capital intensive) Sedentary: live and work in one place. Most farming is this. Nomadic: organized movement based on seasons. Land use Extensive. Ex: shifting cultivation and herding. Irrigation: artificial watering (expensive) Non-irrigated: rain happens.
You will create your poster on the following topic: 1’s get #1 etc Shifting Cultivation pg. 335 Pastoral nomadism pg. 338 Intensive subsistence: wet rice dominant pg/ 340-41 Intensive subsistence: wet rice NOT dominant pg 341 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming pg. 342 Dairy farming pg. 343 Grain farming pg. 345 Livestock ranching: cattle in the US pg 346-47 Livestock ranching: fixed location pg 347-348 Mediterranean agriculture pg. 349 Commercial gardening and fruit farming pg 349-350 Plantation Farming pg 349-350 New food sources: oceans pg 357 New food sources: cereals and rare foods pg. 358
Farmer’s Almanac Type (title at top) Commercial or subsistence Labor and/or capital intensive Intensive or Extensive Land Use Brief description of type Vocab associated Typical crops Identify the Koppen climate regions where mainly found (pg 336-337) Area(s) of world where typically practiced on map. Symbol or illustration to help us understand. http://farmersalmanac.com/long-range-weather-forecast/southeast-us/
Grain farming… intensive or extensive? Why? Labor or capital?
Vegetable garden… intensive or extensive? Why? Labor or capital?