Sports Psychology effectiveness Ringelman effect Social loafing Lesson Objecties: Describe and Explain: Steiner’s model of group effectiveness Ringelman effect Social loafing Describe the difference between interactive and coactive groups
Recap Steiner’s model of group effectiveness – what is it? Ringlemenn effect – What is it? Social loafing – what is it? Think of sporting examples of each and explain them in full.
Psychology Consequences of social loafing Abbot and Costello - Social Loafing
In a volleyball team, two players seem to be putting in little effort In a volleyball team, two players seem to be putting in little effort. When they are setting, they dont appear to be on the same wavelength as the other players on the team and when they are blocking they dont seem to put much effort into their jumps. The other players on the team appear to be working harder to try to make up for this, but there is little interaction between spikers and setters. 1. where are the coordination losses in this scenario? 2. where are the motivational losses in this scenario? 3. what do you think would be your role as the coach to improve these faults?
Interactive and coactive groups Interactive teams Team members work directly with each other Dependent on interaction between members Dependent on coordination between members Interactive teams include volleyball and hockey teams
Interactive and coactive groups Mixed teams Players interact directly with each other Players can also focus on individual performance Mixed teams include rowing and swimming relay teams
Interactive and coactive groups Co-active teams Require individuals to achieve success in their individual games in order to achieve overall team success No direct interaction between team members Coactive teams include archery and skiing teams
Activity For the following sports , say which type of team they are and justify your answer 100m relay Cricket Basketball Baseball Football Ten-pin bowling golf
Cohesion Define cohesion and give your interpretation of what you think it means. Include a sporting example of a team with good cohesion and a team you think that has bad cohesion
effectiveness Ringelman effect Social loafing Lesson Objecties: Describe and Explain: Steiner’s model of group effectiveness Ringelman effect Social loafing Describe the difference between interactive and coactive groups