Topics Covered in COSC 6340 Data models (ER, Relational, XML (short)) Using data models; learning how to store real world information in a database Algorithms that access disks (and not the main memory) Database design (logical, physical) Index Structures and Storage Structures Application development using a DBMS; SQL, using Oracle 9i, … Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Implementation of DBMS
Important Topics Not or Little Covered in COSC 6340 Implementation of DBMS Transaction Management, Concurrency Control Crash Recovery More on Query Optimization Object-relational and Object-Oriented Databases Active Databases Security and Authorization Parallel and Distributed Databases Spatial Data Management XML, Semantic Web, Data-centric Web Applications Special Purpose Database (temporal, genome, multi-media, mobile,…)
Recent Trends in the Area of Databases Databases and the Web Support for semi-structured data and XML Support for decision support (data warehouses, OLAP, data mining) Support for unusual data types (images, long strings, gene sequences, spatial databases) Hiding SQL from the user though high level interfaces Making SQL to be a real programming language (SQL3) Data Grids Querying and Mining Data Steams JAVA interfaces for Databases