Managing anger in Hearthstone
Why Anger Results from hearthstone Competition Anonymity Time Isolation Anger Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
When is Anger a problem? Expressed inappropriately Experienced too frequently Felt too intensely Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Warning signs of anger Physical Behavioral Emotional Cognitive Increased heart rate, tightness in chest, muscle tension, and feeling hot or flushed Behavioral Clenching our fists, pacing, raising our voice, throwing or damaging objects Emotional Feeling disrespected, inpatient, or jealous Cognitive Unhelpful thinking styles, fantasies of revenge, or imagining people are out to get you Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Phases of anger Post-Explosion Explosion Escalation The person experiences the negative consequences an explosion, such as problems with family/friends feelings of guilt, shame, and regret Post-Explosion The person loses control and is physically or verbally aggressive, such as yelling or destroying property Explosion Warning signs begin to build (e.g.., physical, behavioral, emotional, cognitive) Escalation Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Behavioral Tools to Manage anger Timeout Deep Breathing Muscle Relaxation Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Leave the situation that is provoking anger Timeout Leave the situation that is provoking anger Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Quickest way to relax your body and slow down the nervous system Deep Breathing Quickest way to relax your body and slow down the nervous system Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Muscle relaxation Engage in exercises to release tension that is a natural response to anger Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Cognitive Tools to Manage anger Thought Stopping Self-Talk Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Monitor and interrupt unhelpful thoughts when anger escalates Thought Stopping Monitor and interrupt unhelpful thoughts when anger escalates Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Unhelpful Thinking Styles All or Nothing When we see things only in extremes Catastrophizing When we exaggerate the important of events, making them worse than they might be Overgeneralizing When we view a negative events as part of a never-ending series of bad outcomes Fortune-telling When we predict that things will turn out badly when there is no actual evidence for this Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Unhelpful Thinking Styles in hearthstone All or Nothing Every decision I make is wrong. I have to win every game to be successful. Catastrophizing That mistake is going to start a streak of losing. I’ll never get back to this Rank. Overgeneralizing This is my 4th terrible Mulligan in a row. I can’t catch a break in the this game. Fortune-telling I’m not going to be able to win this game. I’ll never reach Legend. Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Unhelpful Thinking Styles Mind-reading When we assume other people are thinking negatively about us without evidence Blaming/Externalization When we blame others as the main cause for negative events, without being accountable Personalization When we blame ourselves for a negative event when we are not responsible Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Unhelpful Thinking Styles in hearthstone Mind-reading My opponent is laughing at me. They must think I don’t know what I‘m doing with these plays. Blaming/Externalization This game is so unfair. My opponent got the God Draw. There is nothing I can do to beat this broken deck! Personalization I am terrible at this game. My decisions are so bad. Why do I bother? Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Self Talk Statements, phrases, or reminders that counter unhelpful and negative thoughts Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at:
Self Talk Examples Stop! Slow down Don’t pay attention Say STOP out loud Imagine a Stop sign Print image of a Stop sign and keep it close by Slow down Tell yourself to slow down Write Slow Down on a Post-It note and keep it in front of you Don’t pay attention Remind yourself to play one game at a time Literally shake off each game after it is played It’s in the past Write Win or Loss on a scrap of paper, and toss it in the trash after each game to let go of past performances Let it be Listen, hum, or sing to Let It Be, or other positive songs to stay in a healthy frame of mind Created by @theiddm. Additional articles and videos at: