The Union of Health and Social Care Professionals Finland
Tehy Tehy safeguards the interest of qualified health and social care professionals Tehy is the largest trade union for health and social care professionals in Finland About 160 000 members including 25 000 student members Established in 1982 Affiliated to the Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees, STTK 20.11.2018
The role of Tehy Tehy organises qualified health and social care professionals and students and strengthenens their mutual solidarity Tehy negotiates the collective agreements in the private, municipal and state employment sectors Tehy provides advice and legal assistance to its members in connection with employment matters Tehy improves the economic position of its members, the terms and conditions of employment contracts and the professional, social and legal benefits of members Tehy campaigns for the development of better working conditions Tehy participates in the development of education, training & professional skills of health care professionals Tehy participates in the development of health and social care structures and legislation, pensions, social security.... 20.11.2018
Members of Tehy Trade union membership is high in the health and social care sector, more than 90 % of employees being TU members The average age is 43 years 92,2 % of members are female 75,17 % work in the municipal sector 17,18 % work in the private sector 50,3 % of members are nurses 10,5 % of members are practical nurses/assistant nurses Membership fee is 1,1 % of gross salary, tax deductible 20.11.2018
Members by Collective Agreements,2013 (%) 20.11.2018
Tehy represents Registered nurses Public-health nurses Practical nurses/assistant nurses Paramedics Physiotherapists Midwives Radiopraphers Dental nurses Oral hygienists Nursery nurses/chilsminders Mental health nurses Podiatrists Occupational therapists..... 20.11.2018
Organisation The Head Office of Tehy is in Helsinki Tehy has 14 regional offices all over Finland Unemployment Fund There are 270 branches of Tehy all over Finland The student branch brings together 25 000 students There are 9 affiliated professional organizations Decision making bodies: Executive Council (63 members), Executive Board (15 members) and Executive Committee (5 members) Last Congress of Tehy held in 2013 (80 Executive Council members will be elected in 2017) 20.11.2018
Branches There are 270 branches which bring together those who are employed by the same employer or in the same area They are the basic working units of Tehy The branches represent the professional and economic interest of the members at the workplace Influence social and health policies and organize services at the local level Negotiate salaries at local level Train their members Maintain solidarity amongst the members by organizing various meetings and activities 20.11.2018
Tehy in the International Arena Tehy is affiliated to: PSI – Public Services International EPSU – European Federation of Public Service Unions NOFS – Nordens Offentliganställdas Fackliga Samorganisation FIPSU – Finnish Public Services Unions’ EU Working Party SASK – The Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland KEPA – umbrella organization for Finnish organizations working with development co-operation FINNWATCH – civil society organization focusing on corporate responsibility in Global South 20.11.2018
Tehy communications Tehy Magazine Studies, research Publications Facebook Twitter @Tehy_ry #tehy Instagram @tehy_ry @tehyopiskelijat @tehylehti Youtube 20.11.2018