Art of the Renaissance
Northern Renaissance
Jan van Eyck Used oil paints Realistic detail Work shows personality Developed new techniques Realistic detail Work shows personality Influenced later artists
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait full of symbolic imagery: dog (fidelity), mirror (eye of God), fertility symbols record of a real event artist is shown in the mirror on the back wall great deal of detail
Donatello the first unsupported standing work in bronze cast during the Renaissance period the first freestanding nude male sculpture made since antiquity
Perspective Appearance of three dimensions Vanishing point
Frescos done on plaster on walls or ceilings.
Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, scientist Renaissance man Began as an apprentice Often didn’t finish his work
Mona Lisa Da Vinci’s masterpiece Interpreted in many ways Most famous painting in the world In Paris
Vitruvian Man Combines art and science Proportionate Symmetry
The Last Supper
Writing Invented his own version of shorthand Usual used “mirror writing”
King Francis I invited da Vinci to move to France He died there in 1519
Michelangelo Raised in Florence, Italy Worked closely with the Medici family
St. Peter’s Basilica
David Most recognizable statue in history Biblical King David when he decides to battle with Goliath 13 feet high In Florence
Sistine Chapel
Raphael Studied works of Leonardo and Michelangelo Madonna and child theme
The Triumph of Galatea
Diotalevi Madonna