Robert Benim Adam Gerdes Dave Kofron Aatekah Owais Bernoulli’s Bums Robert Benim Adam Gerdes Dave Kofron Aatekah Owais
Parameter Estimation C = c/m Guessed C = -0.8 Model Estimate C = -1.035338 K = k/m Guessed K =-200 Model Estimate K = -1555.411
Plot of Data and Guessed Model
Plot of Data and Optimized Model
Confidence Intervals and Standard Error Confidence Interval for C -1.072 to -0.999 S.E. = 0.01821 Confidence Interval for K -1556.849 to -1553.973 S.E. = 0.7189 Sigma^2=1.6081e-10
Fitted vs. Residuals
Time vs. Residual
Normality, or lack thereof
Beam Model In comparison, the beam model was a drastic improvement Further investigation could reveal an even more amazingly awesome model.
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