Tic Tac Toe Ti-Ti-Ta!
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9
Question #1 What is the name of the alcohol found in alcoholic beverage? Como se llama el alcohol que esta en bebidas alcoholicas?
Question #2 Using alcohol slows down reaction time. For this reason it is not a stimulant, but a _________
Question #3 What are three things that affect the rate at which a person becomes intoxicated? Menciona tres cosas que puede afectar la velocidad en que llega a ser intoxicado?
Question # 4 What is psychological dependence? Que es la dependencia psicologica?
Question 5 What is physiological dependence? Que es la dependencia fisiologica? (You cannot use the words in your answer e.g. A Sports Car is a car that is sporty)
Question #6 What are 3 factors that influence alcohol use? Que son tres factores que influyen el consumo de alcohol?
Question #7 What is the BAC legal limit in all 50 states? Que es el limite legal de BAC (Concentracion de alcohol en la sangre) en todos los estados de los EEUU?
Question #8 What is the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism? Describe la diferencia entre el abuso de alcohol y el alcoholismo?
Question #9 What is another word for drunk?