What's it all about?
Breaking News!! We have been offered the opportunity to engage in a UK- wide live science experiment.
2Kg of rocket seeds (Eruca Sativa) were launched into space on 2nd September 2015.
The journey of the seeds... 2nd September 2015 seeds launched with astronaut Andreas Mogensen and his crew from European Space Agency (ESA) British ESA astronaut Tim Peake will take charge of the seeds while on the ISS 2 days later they arrive on the International Space Station (ISS) We will then receive 100 seeds that have been on the ISS and 100 seeds that have remained on Earth. The seeds will then return to Earth with astronaut Scott Kelly. Currently planned for March 2016 (all being well!) The seeds will be held for 6 months in microgravity
The seeds packets will be colour coded, we will not be told which ones have been to space! Once the experiment has been completed, the data will be analysed by professional statisticians and only then will we be made aware of the findings.