ERP and OFBiz Organizational Units
Objectives Review selected OFBiz organizational units and understand their purpose
Organizational Units (Introduction) All of the ERPs I know of are based on (hierarchical) organizational units SAP has a company with a general ledger, purchasing organization(s) and sales organization(s) OFBiz works similarly
Company The Company is the top-level organizational unit It’s a “special” party group It’s not a person It has a currency It (typically) does not have a login
Company (Information)
Company (Payment Information)
Facility (Introduction) A Facility is another top-level organizational unit A Facility belongs to a company A facility has a type (Warehouse) Inventory is received into a warehouse Inventory is shipped from a warehouse Goods are manufactured in a facility
Facility Manager (Illustration) Use the Facility Manager to Work with inventory Manage warehouse picking and packing Schedule production
Facility Information
Facility (Entity) Size Inventory Store UOM
Facility (Contact Information)
Accounting (Introduction) Financial accounting must be configured before OFBiz can be run Minimum requirements Default organization (Company) Default (main) currency PartyAcctgPreference Financial calendar Global and company chart of accounts (COA) Document numbering sequences