Lesson 10-2 Frequency and Histograms Obj: The student will be able to 1) Create stem-and-leaf plots 2) Create frequency tables 3) Create histograms HWK: Vocab: 1) stem-and-leaf plot 2) frequency 3) frequency table 4) histogram 5) cumulative frequency COS: S-ID1
Ex 1) The temperatures in degrees Celsius for two weeks are given Ex 1) The temperatures in degrees Celsius for two weeks are given. Use the data to make a stem-and-leaf plot. 7, 32, 34, 31, 26, 27, 23, 19, 22, 29, 30, 36, 35, 31
Ex 2) Marty’s and Bill’s scores for two games of bowling are given Ex 2) Marty’s and Bill’s scores for two games of bowling are given. Use the data to make a back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot. Marty: 137, 149, 167, 134, 121, 127, 143, 123, 168, 162 Bill: 129, 138, 141, 124, 139, 160, 149, 145, 128, 130
Ex 3) The number of days of Marla’s last 15 vacations are listed Ex 3) The number of days of Marla’s last 15 vacations are listed. Use the date to make a frequency table with intervals. 4, 8, 6, 7, 5, 4, 10, 6, 7, 14, 12, 8, 10, 15, 12
Ex 4) Use the information in Ex 3 to make a histogram.
EX 5) The number of vowels in each sentence of a short essay are listed: 33, 36, 39, 37, 34, 35, 43, 35, 28, 32, 36, 35, 29, 40, 33, 41, 37 a) Use the data to make a cumulative frequency table. b) How many sentences contain 35 vowels or less?