Evolution de CARE Mali vers l’approche programmatique Réunion Régionale Abidjan Mars 2009 Uwe Korus Directeur des Programmes
Steps taken Strategic Plan with one common ToC and Strategies of Change to be used and tested by all future programs 4 strategic programs identified of which 2 fully designed Program and Program Support Structure aligned with 4 strategic programs and related costs budgeted for Partnership vision developed with 8 key national NGO partners Strategic partnerships established with 2 national level advocacy networks (FGM and aid efficiency) Selection started of key competencies for program based talent review Learning lab process started with development of regional learning agenda Fundraising directed towards 4 strategic programs
Level of effort and « costs » required SP process costly and time consuming due to high participation of CARE and partner staff ($35k, 35% of staff plus 8 key partners for about 1 week / 2 months over 14 months) Summultaneous project design with external support necessary to ensure funds pipeline Realignment and restructuring led to high staff turn over and thus high recruitment costs (hiring, capacity building of new staff) New funding not fully covering strategic SPC costs (CD, ACD, Fin and Admin Managers) Loss of visibility at community level
BENEFITS Strong buy-in for the SP from both staff and strategic NGO partners New funding and funding opportunities from non traditional donors Easier go / no go decision making Higher efficiency in proposal development Higher sense of responsibility by teams for program success and synergy More focused management capacity building for key staff and strategic partners Behavioral and procedural barriers between program and program support are coming down
Challenges and Opportunities Limited staff capacity to deepen the analysis of UCP and change strategies in order to refine and test Theories of Change Specific definition of impact groups for the 4 strategic programs (most vulnerable and marginalized?) for strategic impact measurement Cost of ensuring systematic impact measurement and accountability with program participants SPC / shared costs: gap between need – budget – PAR Complexity of funds management Management and decision making structure more narrow Cross program M&E and learning and documenting New partnerships with NGOs, donors and other development actors beyond project and country level.
Program Map CARE Mali POUVOIR ECONOMIQUE SSB Pouvoir Economique et Civique des Filles Programme Pouvoir des femmes et des filles Programme Santé communautaire et gouvernance Projet Pilote Nutrition RESISTENCE Aux CRISES SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE Programme Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques