Aim: Summarize the events that set World War I in motion
Crisis in the Balkins 1907: two rival camps existed in Europe Triple Alliance: German, Austria, Italy Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia Dispute between 2 rival powers could draw all the nations of Europe into war Dispute more likely to occur on the Balkan Peninsula Southeastern corner of Europe Home to assortment of ethnic groups With long history nationalist uprisings & ethnic clashes, Balkans known as “Powder Keg” of Europe 2
A Restless Region People’s had formed new nations Early 1900’s: Ottoman Empire which included Balkan region was in decline Others had already succeeded in breaking away from the Turkish rulers People’s had formed new nations Included Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, & Serbia Each longed to extend its borders 1908: Austria annexed (took over) Bosnia & Herzegovina Were 2 Balkan areas with large Slavic populations Serbian leaders were outraged Tension between Serbia & Austria steadily rose 3
A Shot Rings Throughout Europe June 28, 1914: Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife went to Sarajevo, Bosnia Royal couple were shot as they rode through the streets Assassin was a 19-year-old Serbian Because the killer was Serbian, Austrian decided to use the murders as an excuse to punish Serbia Austria was in no mood to negotiate July 28, Austria declared war Leaders over Europe took notice Fragile European stability was ready to collapse into armed conflict Machinery of war had been set in motion 4