Career and College Ready Graduates NC Legislation CCRG Career and College Ready Graduates NC Legislation
Progress! College Ready English IV College Ready Math HS and CC faculty created using EdReady English Includes all standards for HS ENG 11-12 Endorsed by UNC System as acceptable HS English IV Waiting for action by DPI College Ready Math HS and CC faculty created using EdReady Math Identical to new Transition Math Course for RISE Submitted to UNC System for review to determine if acceptable as 4th high school math for minimum admission requirements
Implementation Legislation states statewide rollout is Fall 2018 but the following needs to happen DPI must purchase NROC membership for all high schools to use for CCRG courses Single contact in NC for high school support musts be identified College Ready Math and College Ready English must be assigned course codes by DPI An extension is being requested DPI has asked for an extension to give more time for the above and to allow a more controlled rollout Extension would increase number of partnerships each year Statewide rollout would be moved to Fall 2020 which coincides with RISE implementation
Current Plans May 2018 May – June 2018 September 2018 Convene CCRG HS teachers and college liaisons to debrief on what is working, what they wish they knew, what changes are suggested, etc. May – June 2018 Convene professional development committee of college liaisons to write professional development to be offered in person and online September 2018 Continue CCRG partnerships as colleges are able Requires current CCRG colleges to purchase NROC membership at full price September – October 2018 Offer 4 PD sessions across the state for high school teachers
Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence The NCCCS Proposal RISE Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence The NCCCS Proposal
Why do we need to do something? Gateway math success Timeframe Context % Enrolled* Successful* 2010-2011 Before developmental redesign 24% 16% 2013-2014 Developmental redesigned, NC DAP 30% 20% 2014-2015 Multiple measures 37% *Percentages are of high school students enrolling the first year after graduation – percentages go down if all students are considered.
Why do we need to do something? Gateway English success Timeframe Context % Enrolled* Successful* 2010-2011 Before developmental redesign 47% 33% 2013-2014 Developmental redesigned, NC DAP 53% 39% 2014-2015 Multiple measures 64% *Percentages are of high school students enrolling the first year after graduation – percentages go down if all students are considered.
The RISE proposal - Placement How it’s worked historically
The RISE proposal - Placement No more placement tests (mostly) Build on Multiple Measures to use GPA as primary placement Additional placement with ACT/SAT, GED, CCRG
The RISE proposal - Placement For high school graduates within 10 years Based on unweighted GPA HS GPA 2.8+ Gateway math or English without co-requisite HS GPA 2.2-2.799 If ACT benchmark score then math or English gateway without co-requisite Gateway math or English with a co-requisite < 2.2 If ACT score within 2 points of benchmark then gateway course with co-requisite Transition Math Course and/or Transition English Course
The RISE proposal – Transition Courses Standard curriculum across all 58 community colleges in NC May be offered in curriculum and/or adult basic education NROC/EdReady web based math and English courses Mastery based Multiple exit points dependent on program requirements
The RISE proposal – Transition Courses EdReady Math Tier 1 Unit 1 Whole Numbers Unit 2 Fractions and Mixed Numbers Unit 3 Decimals Unit 4 Ratios, Rates and Proportions Unit 5 Percents Unit 6 Measurement Unit 7 Geometry Unit 8 Real Numbers Tier 2 Unit 9 Solving Equations and Inequalities Unit 10 Graphing Unit 11 Exponents and Polynomials Unit 12 Concepts in Statistics Tier 3 Unit 13 Factoring Unit 14 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Unit 15 Rational Expressions Unit 16 Radical Expressions and Quadratic Equations Unit 17 Functions
The RISE proposal – Transition Courses Mastery of Tier 1 MAT 110 without co-requisite MAT 143 or MAT 152 with co-requisite Mastery of Tier 2 MAT 121 or MAT 171 Mastery of Tier 3
The RISE proposal – Transition Courses NROC English Tier 1 Unit 1 Introduction to College Reading and Writing Unit 2 Identifying Main Ideas Unit 3 Discovering Implied Meaning Unit 4 Interpreting Bias Unit 5 Analysis through Definition Unit 6 Learning Across Disciplines Tier 2 Unit 7 Exploring Comparative Elements Unit 8 Informed Opinions through Causal Chains Unit 9 Applied Critical Analysis Unit 10 Using Sources in Critical Reading and Writing
The RISE proposal – Transition Courses Mastery of Tier 1 ENG 111 with co-requisite Mastery of Tier 2 without co-requisite
The RISE proposal – Co-requisite Courses Specific co-requisite courses for the 5 gateway math courses and ENG 111 Courses will have growth mindset included SLOs are written to include foundational knowledge required for the objectives of the gateway course Contact hours between 2 and 4 hours Credit hours are 1 or 2
The RISE proposal – Co-requisite Courses Gateway Course Co-requisite Course Credit Hours Contact Hours ENG 111 ENG 011 2 3 MAT 110 MAT 010 1 MAT 121 MAT 021 MAT 143 MAT 043 MAT 152 MAT 052 MAT 171 MAT 071 4
The RISE proposal – Co-requisite Courses Other recommendations No more than 2/3 of the gateway section will require the co-requisite course Co-requisite section will be scheduled immediately before or after the gateway section The co-requisite will be taught by a developmental instructor, by another curriculum instructor, or by the gateway section instructor
The RISE proposal – Timeline Fall 2017 Information meetings across the state November meeting of 30+ faculty for input Spring 2018 February 13-14 meeting of 50+ faculty to begin defining courses and discuss overall proposal February 27 meeting of 50+ faculty to continue work on courses and further input on proposal February 28 meeting of student services personnel to discuss implementation April 9 meeting to discuss impact on CCP students April 10 meeting of pilot colleges to discuss implementation
The RISE proposal – Timeline Spring 2018 continued Planning for the pilot colleges Professional development created for pilot colleges Summer 2018 Continue preparations for pilot colleges PD for student services at pilot colleges Fall 2018 Final preparations for pilot colleges PD for faculty at pilot colleges Spring 2019 17 colleges pilot RISE
The RISE proposal – Timeline Summer 2019 June 30 NC DAP is discontinued Fall 2019 Additional colleges begin piloting RISE Spring 2020 Fall 2020 All college required to implement all aspects of RiSE
The RISE proposal – Questions