SSL-UCB, ALD/Incom MCP Test Incom substrate 40µm pores, 8 deg bias, 40:1 L/D Sent to Arradiance for resistive and emissive layer application + electrode Resistance approx 750 MΩ in vacuum Arradiance tests show 50,000 gain @ 1000v UV - bright image, no light - black! Tested as a single MCP + Phosphor It works! We have a functional, uniform, and stable (1hr) MCP using borosilicate and ALD. Project milestone under 5.1 year 1 deliverable The sensitivity of the activated photocathode is considerably higher, with a quantum efficiency of as high as 37% at about 450 Å and a sensitivity cut off energy of about 6.2 eV. The observed decrease of sensitivity at 988 and 520 Å (and probably not observed at ~670 Å) is likely to correspond to 2xEgap+Eaff,, 4xEgap+Eaff,, and 3xEgap+Eaff,, respectively. A much better spectral continuity of the illumination source is required in order to study the UV absorption fine structure.
SSL-UCB, ALD/Incom MCP Test Arradiance gain curve for Incom 40µm coated substrate
SSL-UCB, ALD/Incom MCP Test It works! 700v 800v Bright scratch on phosphor UV light The sensitivity of the activated photocathode is considerably higher, with a quantum efficiency of as high as 37% at about 450 Å and a sensitivity cut off energy of about 6.2 eV. The observed decrease of sensitivity at 988 and 520 Å (and probably not observed at ~670 Å) is likely to correspond to 2xEgap+Eaff,, 4xEgap+Eaff,, and 3xEgap+Eaff,, respectively. A much better spectral continuity of the illumination source is required in order to study the UV absorption fine structure. 1000v 900v
SSL-UCB, ALD/Incom MCP Test Multifiber pattern is bad due to crushing of pores at the multifiber interfaces
SSL-UCB, ALD/Incom MCP Test Multifiber pattern fades as the MCP gain is increased Gain is quite uniform Need to determine cause of black spots Multifiber lines <100µm 2mm