Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Report of SC-4 Wireless and ISM equipment measurements Art Wall Chairman of SC-4 November 10, 2017
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Scope: Subcommittee 4 is responsible for writing and maintaining existing and proposed C63® standards for wireless and ISM devices (e.g., lighting, wireless power transfer, Industrial and dielectric heaters, and similar equipment), as assigned by the Main Committee ASC 63®. Duties: C63.10 WG – Unlicensed transmitter test procedures C63.26 WG – Licensed transmitter test procedures C63.29 WG – Lighting devices test procedures C63.30 WG – WPT equipment test procedures C63.31 WG – ISM equipment test procedures
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC SC-4 Membership Name Role in SC Affiliation Case, David Member Cisco Systems Chen, Zhong ETS-Lindgren Delisi, Bob Vice Chair UL LLC Dickten, Thomas GC Consulting Elliott, William (Mac) TÜV SÜD America, Inc. Hodes, Harry Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. Hoolihan, Dan Hoolihan EMC Consulting Howard, Mike Keysight Technologies Jones, Steve FCC Laboratory Kiemel, Greg Element Materials Technology Klinger, Jeff Compatible Electronics Mendoza, Ernesto Philips Lighting Electronics NA Moongilan, Dheena Nokia Bell Labs Nixon, Jason Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Pino, Dan PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. Schaefer, Werner Schaefer Associates Sigouin, Dan DHS-EMC Waitt, David Consultant Wall, Art Chair Radio Regulatory Consultants Ward, Dennis PCTEST Engineering Laboratory Whitesell, Steve Whitesell Consulting, LLC
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC SC-4 meeting November 8, 2017 Meeting Attendance: 34 New member: Michael Antola of Honeywell approved as a new member of SC-4 Patent slide shown and acknowledged Election of officers: Art Wall announced his retirement at the end of year. Bob Delisi was voted as the new Chairman of SC-4 to start January 1, 2018. Document status for each WG was reviewed and approved as correct.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of projects: C63.10-2013 – Unlicensed transmitters testing. Meeting on 11/7/17 with 25 members + 11 guest attendees. Dheena Moongilan presented his findings of a measurement study on high frequency antennas comparing near field results and far field results. Reviewed draft revision and comments by Dennis Ward, Tim Harrington, Jason Nixon and Mark Briggs. Draft is now ready for circulation to SC-4 for review. Motion: to distribute Draft C63.10 Edition 3 to SC4 membership for comments after completion of the action items and editorial clean-up
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of WG projects: C63.26-2016 – Licensed transmitter testing. Meeting on 11/8/17 with 27 attendees + 14 on webinar. C63.26-2015 incorporated by reference into the FCC Rules on 11/2/17. A number of maintenance items discussed. PINS items discussed and consolidated. Task Group reports: Mm-Wave JTG – Robert Paxman -- Presentation on TRP and possibilities to reduce test time using beam scanning Radiated emissions TG – Ryan McGann – Discussed open items in section 5.5 with most resolved – changes will be presented for next edition
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of WG projects: C63.26-2016 – Licensed transmitter testing (continued) Signal Booster TG – Eddie Wong – Dual enclosure wide-band consumer booster with interchangeable RF cables testing procedure – about 3 months away MIMO JTG – Dheena Moongilan – Presentation made in C63.10 and C63.26…work continuing. Proposed schedule: WG will finalize and incorporate new procedures (mmWave and dual-enclosure signal boosters) and revised text (radiated emissions) into standard for SC review by May 2018 face-to-face, with intent to go to ballot with 2nd Edition late in 2018.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of WG projects (continued): C63.29-201x – Lighting devices test procedures Meeting on 11/6/17 with 29 attendees. The WG work to develop ANSI C63.29 lighting devices test methods continue. A second draft has been prepared using the IEEE template. An historical description of lighting device high frequency emissions will be added to the Introduction of C63.29. A discussion of load reports was circulated and discussed. Horia Popoici agreed to present his CISPR F investigations and Canadian NC comments on conducted emissions to the full group at the next meeting. The next draft is expected to be circulated by March 2018. Monthly webinars are being held.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of WG projects (continued): C63.30-201x – WPT device testing. Meeting on 11/7/17 with 24 attendees + 6 webinar. Highlights: Agreement reached on EUT setup and test method for electric vehicles (EV WPT systems); EUT periphery definition still being discussed; Extrapolation has an intrinsic underestimation problem still being discussed. Work on draft continuing. Meeting twice per month. Next steps: Frequency measurement procedure (WPT is ISM equipment) Informative annex with summary of tests and simulations LLAS calibration method / EUT restrictions for testing in LLAS Test site for radiated measurements below 30 MHz In-situ testing (restrictions for use / test methods) RE / CE / LLAS requirements in separate sub-clauses Figures Automotive WPT
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of WG projects (continued): C63.31-201x – ISM equipment test procedures. Meeting on 11/7/17 with 19 attendees + 3 on webinar. Highlights: Presented draft document that reflects current content and format. Presentation of the LLAS Test procedure by Bob Delisi. This is important for smaller devices. The issue for testing larger EUTs still be resolve; i.e., testing in-situ. Load of an EUT for testing is under consideration. Next major steps: Working group formed to address below 30 MHz testing on large devices. Working group formed to address EUT configuration. Meeting once per month Target goal of August 2018 to issue next draft.
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC JTG – measurements below 30 MHz – Bob Delisi – Membership is comprised of members from C63.29, C63.30, C63.31 and C63.4 working groups. Scope and to do list: Comparison of Large Loop Antenna System to Small Loop antenna Comparison of measurement on OATS and open field test sites Creation a TX loop to minimize source variation is on-going A test plan of 23 pages has been developed Finalize test plan Make measurements with LLAS and Small loop on both test sites Collect and analyze data Use information to potentially provide test labs with means of performing comparisons between OFS and Alternative test sites (OATS/SAC)
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Motions Motion to approve SC-4 scope, duties and membership. Motion to approve Bob Delisi as new Chairman of SC-4