Macbeth- Revision Learning Objective: To explore Shakespeare’s use of language and structure for effect
LO: To explore Shakespeare’s use of language and structure for effect Macbeth Task: Look for evidence in the text. Focus on Shakespeare’s use of language After killing King Duncan and Banquo, Macbeth’s character changes. How is this evident in his speech? Key word Equivocation: the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself.
LO: To explore Shakespeare’s use of language and structure for effect Supernatural Task: Look for evidence in the text. Focus on Shakespeare’s use of language. To what extent is the supernatural responsible for the sequence of events in the play? How many occurrences of the supernatural can you find evidence for? Challenge: Draw on your knowledge of context when analysing the evidence.
LO: To explore Shakespeare’s use of language and structure for effect Nature Task: Look for evidence in the text. Focus on Shakespeare’s use of language. How does Shakespeare use nature as a theme in Macbeth? Where does Shakespeare refer to nature? Does this happen around key events in the play? Challenge: How could nature be used as symbolism?
LO: To explore Shakespeare’s use of language and structure for effect Supernatural Task: Look for evidence in the text. Focus on Shakespeare’s use of language. To what extent is the supernatural responsible for the sequence of events in the play? How many occurrences of the supernatural can you find evidence for? Challenge: Draw on your knowledge of context when analysing the evidence.