A C T S Go Tell The Good News! (Part 2) Class 12: Acts 24:1-27
Paul In Caesarea Information about Caesarea… Caesarea & the gospel Rome’s garrison port on Pal. coast 60-65 miles NW of Jerusalem Residence for Roman procurators (fiscal agents for the emperor, sometimes with governor-like duties) Served as the capital for Roman province of Judea Caesarea & the gospel Paul’s transfer to Caesarea occurred about A.D. 58 This would not be the first time the gospel & this city crossed paths Acts 8:40 10:1 12:19-24 21:8 The gospel certainly could have gained a “foothold” as early as the beginning Acts 2:8-11
Paul In Caesarea The transfer from Jerusalem 23:1-35 It was necessary for Paul to be moved to Caesarea: Paul divided the Sanhedrin during his hearing vv. 6-10 Some 40 Jews conspired to kill him vv. 12-15 Paul’s nephew informs the commander…he decides Paul must be sent to Caesarea for safety vv. 16-24 The commander would also write a letter to Felix, explaining what he had decided re: Paul vv. 26-30 The commander’s letter appeared to contain a little “twisting of the facts” that would benefit himself before Felix v. 27 [POLITICS] Ironically, this was the 2nd time Paul had to be sent to Caesarea to avoid danger in Jerusalem Acts 9:26-30 REVIEW
Paul In Caesarea Paul appears before Felix 24:1-23 5 days after Paul’s arrival, the proceedings begin The accusing Jews bring Tertullus (an orator/attorney) Tertullus brings no real charges…offers nothing new but the same charges as before vv. 5-6a He does flatter Felix and appears to slander the commander vv. 6b-8a [POLITICS] Paul is allowed to make his defense vv. 10-21 He was thankful to appear before Felix v. 10b He discussed the events that took place in Jerusalem when the Jews arrested him vv. 11-13 He preached about his service to God & his hope in the resurrection as revealed in the Scripture vv. 14-15 His attempt to always maintain a good conscience v. 16
Paul In Caesarea Paul appears before Felix 24:1-23 Paul is allowed to make his defense vv. 10-21 He reviewed the reason why he returned to Jerusalem and how these Jews found him vv. 17-19 He re-emphasized how these Jews had no real case against him except for his statement he made before the Sanhedrin vv. 20-21 Felix decides to defer judgment until after Lysias the commander comes from Jerusalem v. 22 Luke does record that Felix had “…a more exact knowledge of the Way” (through Drusilla?) Until such time, Paul was kept in custody, but with freedom to receive visitors v. 23
Interesting connection between Acts 24:27 and Luke 1:3 Paul In Caesarea Felix’s final days with Paul 24:24-27 Paul appeared before him & his wife Drusilla vv. 24-26 Notice that when Paul is given the opportunity to speak, he preaches more than he pleads his case He spoke “…about faith in Christ Jesus” (righteousness, self-control, & the judgment to come) Felix became frightened, telling Paul he would send for him at a later time Felix was hoping for a bribe from Paul Rome replaced Felix with Festus v. 27 As a favor to the Jews, Felix left Paul imprisoned after 2 years had elapsed Drusilla Great-granddaughter of Herod the Great Mt 2 Daughter of Herod Agrippa I Acts 12 Niece of Herodias Mk 6 Sister of Bernice Acts 26 A Jewess Interesting connection between Acts 24:27 and Luke 1:3