Developing energy consumption data to meet users needs PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS MESH PROJECT Duncan Millard Head of Statistics, Department of Energy and Climate Change UK ESSnet workshop, Rome, December 2012
Why MESH? Legal Wider policy and local needs What MESH will deliver Progress to date Next Steps Observations on process Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 2
Led to application to lead an ESSnet and hence MESH Legal Energy Statistics Regulation 1099/2008 (formalised annual and monthly reporting) Requirement for the development of more data on Energy consumption and Efficiency First initiative would be in household sector Task force (AT, FR, DE, DK, UK) Establish the needs - user requirements Set up a review of national approaches – questionnaire Eurostat funding supported the development of household surveys and other approaches in 2010 and 2011 (SECH) Results of all prior work identified: Variety of methods applicable Key requirement for common definitions Led to application to lead an ESSnet and hence MESH Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 3
Wider and local needs Increased focus on importance of energy efficiency and energy use at EU level Renewables Directive New Energy Efficiency Directive Increased energy prices Energy security Need to better understand energy efficiency and energy use – can include Monitoring national or local policies Understand further potential Growth/investment But - Constraints on expanding statistical work So - Need smart solutions Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 4
Project’s Objectives NSi consortium Identifying the situation and the EU MS users’ needs in relation to the TF 2008. A global inventory of practices for the statistics in the residential sector, at EU level and wider. A manual providing greater insight into the energy use in the residential sector, the different statistical techniques applied, the good practices and methodologies used and the suggestions of options to use according to the users’ starting-off situation. A training session for all the users in the MS to enable them to develop future detailed information requirements for the residential sector. Dissemination of the information, the manual and the good practices found. NSi consortium Participant name Country Role Institute for the Diversification And Saving of Energy (IDAE) Spain Coordinator/Partner Statistics Austria (ST AT) Austria Partner Statistics Netherlands (CBS) The Netherlands Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) Slovenia Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) United Kingdom MESH a group from ESWG - Far from all experts on the project Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 5
What MESH will deliver? Recognition that a variety of approaches are available and no one solution will meet all countries needs nor approach to gathering data Will cover strengths and weaknesses of a variety of approaches Household surveys Business surveys Admin data Modelling Insitu monitoring Aims to promote new ideas and approaches, that countries may want to adapt Key will be practical examples “good practices” But will propose common definitions Key element a training course in October 2013 Look at practical solutions with opportunity to discuss local issues with wider group and promote new ideas and co-operation Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 6
Timetable Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 7
What have we done so far? Update questionnaire of TF-2008 on methodologies to produce energy statistics in the residential sector to cover the requirements of the TF-2008 Added fuel poverty and data matching/linking to the request 25 responses to date from EU states, 7 from other countries and 2 int organizations Requests for good practices issued to EU states at working group on 9/11/12 Contract for Technical Assistance to provide a summary of approach taken in MS on energy statistics in residential sector, good practices identified and standardization of methodologies. report from the contractors to the group to inform work, not an output of the project Working on new definitions where not agreed already by international energy manuals - options to be discussed included: Methodology to develop will be valid for both main and second residence, but focus on primary Private cars aren’t object to the Manual because are reported in the transport sector. But can be sensible incorporate in the survey some questions about private cars. Statistics should be about energy consumption in households. It’s not possible to include energy consumption associated to business related activities Rest of consumption (swimming pool, lawn mower, outdoors heaters, etc.) should be reported, but as other consumption Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 8
What have we done so far? (cont.) All partners and Eurostat agreed a provisional contents of Manual Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 9
121 systems of data acquisition The first results: Draft analysis of main Data Acquisition Systems in the Household Sector in EU Countries 67 77 % 121 systems of data acquisition 26 16 8 4 Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 10
Draft methods uses by EU countries (1/2) The first results: (cont.) Draft methods uses by EU countries (1/2) Provisional Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 11
Draft methods uses by EU countries (2/2) The first results: (cont.) Draft methods uses by EU countries (2/2) Provisional Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 12
Observations on ESSnet process (to date) Worked well Project is driven by real need and has a clear deliverables Co-operation and team work in project teams – a real success Ideas developed and expanded through discussions Support from Eurostat helpful Could be improved for future EESnets Projects only meet after contract agreed – funded pre-meet could assist the project If deliverables are clear then process (WPs) should be flexible within set cost Could final publications (pdf) be produced by Eurostat, who have more experience than partners and so allow more time on the details of the project. How to keep the output/report up to date Admin burden remains too high Mesh project: Production of a Manual for Statistics on Energy Consumption in Households 13
Thank you very much for your attention and all questions and comments are welcome 14