Mango: Features and Functionality Jay Wiese, Chrissy Cogar, Cherie McCraw,
Agenda Using Mango as a catalog Using Mango to place requests Using Mango as a discovery tool Reports and Statistics Additional Resources
Using Mango As a catalog
Basic search
Mango catalog search: “Books and more” tab/prefilter drop-down (or equivalent)
Catalog search--search types, prefilters, login, help
Catalog search--My Account
Catalog search--Help
Search results & brief record view
Search results
Brief record view
Full record view
Full record (standard)
Full record (standard)--clickable links to search by controlled vocabulary terms
Full record (standard view)--detailed holdings & items status
Full record (MARC view)--5xx Notes, 035 OCLC no. , etc Full record (MARC view)--5xx Notes, 035 OCLC no., etc.; Aleph bib sys no. at end
Browse search
Browse search
Advanced & Boolean search
Advanced search with date limiters
Boolean search & help
Local Holds, ILL, and UBorrow Requests Mango makes it easy for patrons to request items that they need. Hold Requests: Requesting local material is streamlined. Instead of clicking the Request tab and choosing between “Place Hold Request” and “Interlibrary Loan” there will be a link to “Place a Hold” clearly marked next to the title. Interlibrary Loan Requests: This is UBorrow. Requesting materials from the other academic libraries in Florida will be as easy as clicking a link above the search results and clicking a UBorrow button.
Local Hold Requests Your local Mango interface will search all items belonging to your institution. If your patron needs something that belongs to your institution they will be able to place a request right from the results list by clicking “Place a Hold”
Local Hold Requests Once “Place a Hold” is clicked the patron will get to choose where they would like to pick the item up.
Local Hold Requests When they submit their request they will be able to see that the Hold was successful. They will be able to go directly back to their search by clicking “back to your search.”
Local Hold Requests Once back at their search they will be able to easily see which items they have already requested.
Local Hold Requests Patrons will be able to see the status of their requests by clicking the Requests button at the top of the page. Requests can be cancelled by the patron.
UBorrow Requests If your patron cannot find the title that they are looking for at your institution all they would have to do is click on the UBorrow link at the top of the search.
UBorrow Requests Clicking the link will open up the Union catalog in a new tab displaying the results of the same search the patron started with in your local Mango. If they were already logged in to your local Mango they will already be logged in to the Union.
UBorrow Requests To place a UBorrow request your patron should click the UBorrow button under the title they want.
UBorrow Requests Your patron will then need to select where they want to pick up the item. The process is very similar to Local Requesting.
UBorrow Requests UBorrow Requests are listed after the Local Requests.
UBorrow Requests Once patrons have checked out their items they will be able to see what items they have checked out by clicking the “loans/renewals” button. UBorrow items will display under local loans.
Using Mango As a discovery tool
Search features for Articles and other electronic content Search tabs: All, Articles OR Pre-filter drop down: All, Articles
Full text and Peer Reviewed Mango can be set to display full text by default with an option to expand to non-full text Mango can be set to display non-full text with an option to narrow to full text. Mango can limit to articles from scholarly publications The ability to search articles and other electronic content is what turns Mango into a discovery tool. PCI By mid-summer, all institutions using Mango as a discovery tool will be using EBSCO’s EDS mega-index and EBSCO’s link resolver, Full Text Finder.
Facets: Blended and article only Blended examples Format Subject: Topic Language Article only Journal title Database Source types Publisher Content Provider Format and Source Types are similar Do a search in articles or All and limit by subject: topic Look at all the article only options; source types; research starters in content provider Show icons for different material types in source types
Customlinks Also add to folder, email, etc. Cannot use cite this (the product we have integrated is OCLC’s product and OCLC has it set to look up by OCLC number. Customlinks
Examples of metadata providers for which customlinks can be created All EBSCO content Annual Reviews ARTstor American Medical Association Various Gale products (e.g, Academic OneFile, Business Insights Essentials) Newsbank Oxford University Press IEEE Explore JSTOR Sage Journals Online SpringerLINK Journals
Articles without titles – Login! Some vendors and publishers that provide meta- data to EBSCO for the mega-index require users to login before any details can be shown to users. Login and the article details will appear. With Primo Central mega-index, it’s necessary to login to Primo or Mango to see the citations from Proquest. With the EDS API, you will see very basic information from some vendors, but you need to login to see the citation. Click the plus next to the numeral. This article is from Medline with Full Text.
Open in new window, click the FTF link, set FTF to always display, create a customlink for vendor
EBSCOAdmin Profiles EDS API Full Text Finder Publication Finder article citation metadata provided by EBSCO’s database partners Full Text Finder link resolver to access content in partner and non- partner databases Publication Finder journals A-Z list
EDS API Set up sources to be searched in the Databases tab Set up customlinks in the Linking tab
Examples of vendors/publishers listed in the EDS API Databases tab ABC-CLIO Academic OneFile Academic Search Complete AccessEngineering AccessScience Applied Science & Technology Source Hoover's Company Profiles JSTOR Journals LexisNexis Academic: Law Reviews MasterFILE Complete NewsBank Open Textbook Library SAGE Knowledge Various indexes EBSCO turns on Numerous free/OA sources (tread lightly)
Holdings in Full Text Finder knowledgebase Resources from vendors which are not “database partners” or for which there aren’t customlinks created are enabled and configured in the link resolver knowledgebase and are available in Mango through Full Text Finder. Examples of resources enabled in the Full Text Finder knowledgebase: Academic OneFile Academic Search Complete America’s News Journals @ Ovid LexisNexis Academic ProQuest Historical Newspapers Sage Springer Nature Journals
Publication Finder (Journals A-Z and by subject)
Mango Statistics FALSC web site: Mango user stats includes: # add to folder, #article searches, #cancel holds, #cite this brief, #email from results list, etc. Mango Solr Lucene Statistics includes: # requests, # unique sessions, average requests/session, requests by type of search User stats available as html table on web site, or download csv to open in Excel Solr Lucene has historical stats since August 10, 2010 for the universities; Reports are available monthly. GCSC has reports, all other colleges using mango will be added with April stats. Colleges going live are being added.
Can limit reports to EDS API usage; get link resolver reports
Standard usage report limited to EDS API
Full Text Finder Reports Link in by genre, resource, source Link out by category, resource, target KB Change Reports Packages, titles added to KB Titles removed from my holdings Publication Finder Reports Linkout by resource, package, vendor
Additional Resources Mango Consolidation wiki: EBSCO training recordings (for Encore Duet, but most relevant for Mango): EBSCO training:
Questions? Cherie McCraw, Jay Wiese, Chrissy Cogar,