Important European Wars
Hundred Years’ War(1337-1453) Cause: Land conflict between England and France New weapons used throughout the war(Long bow, cross bow, gun) Results: England gave up claims to land in France War allowed each monarch to exert more control over the people and nobles(led to the beginning of “new monarchs” in both countries.)
Habsburg- Valois War(1521-1544) Cause: Territorial conflict between France and Austria(Primarily over control of Italy) Francis I of Valois and Charles V of Habsburg Details: Ottoman Empire also fought against the Habsburgs in eastern Europe Results: Treaty in 1559 gave both France and Spain some holdings in Italy Continued tension between France and Habsburgs
French Wars of Religion(1562-1598) Causes: Conflict between French Calvinist(Huguenots) and French Catholics Details: Catholic majority greatly outnumbered the Calvinist minority Major violence against Huguenots, massacre in 1572(St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Results: Henry IV takes the throne of France(He was a Calvinist that converted to Catholicism)~”Paris is worth a mass” Edict of Nantes: Allowed Huguenots to freely worship, but acknowledged that Catholicism was the official religion
30 Years War(1618-1648) Causes Details Primary cause was religious conflict between the Catholic Habsburgs and Protestant princes in the Holy Roman Empire(Peace of Augsburg by Charles V(1555) had brought a temporary end to warfare between German Catholics and Lutherans Other countries became involved, either to help the Protestants or attempt to reduce Habsburg power Details Fought over the course of four different phases Edict of Restitution(1629): Prohibited Calvinist worship and restored all land to the Catholic Church and property taken by Protestant princes
Results of Thirty Year’s War Peace of Westphalia ensured that all German states, including the Calvinist ones, were free to determine their own religion France, Sweden, and Brandenburg all gained land More than 300 states that made up Holy Roman Empire were recognized as virtually independent Religion and the state became even more separate
English Civil War(1642-1649) Causes Details Results Conflict between Charles I and the Parliament English monarchs and Parliament had been battling for power Details Charles I was beheaded(1649), but Oliver Cromwell seize control of the government Results The power of the monarch had been greatly reduced in England
War of Spanish Succession(1702-1713) Causes Charles II, king of Spain, left his throne to the grandson of Louis XIV Details A coalition of England, the United Provinces, Austria, and German states opposed Spain and France Results Peace of Utrecht confirmed Philip V as the king of Spain and affirmed that Spain and France would remain separate
Great Northern War(1701-1721) Causes Details Results Peter the Great wanted to gain a warm water port for Russia Details War between Poland, Denmark, and Russia vs. Sweden At the beginning Sweden held back the three powers but was eventually overpowered by Russia Results Russia acquired Estonia, Livonia, and Karelia and Sweden became a second-rate power
War of Austrian Succession(1740-1748) Causes Charles VI did not have a male heir, so passed the Pragmatic Sanction(which was supposed to make Austrian lands indivisible and recognize his daughter Maria Theresa as leader of Austria) Details Prussia and France attacked Austria and England came to the defense of Austria Fighting spread all over the world Results Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle returned all lands to their original owners, except Silesia which Prussia refused to give back
7 Years War(French and Indian War)(1754-1763) Causes France, Austria, Russia vs. Prussia and England Details This war saw a diplomatic revolution, in that alliance times enemies and alliances changed greatly This war saw conflict in the Americas, India, and Europe Results Treaty of Paris ended the war and greatly reduced French power This war led to the American revolution and indirectly to the French Revolution
Napoleonic War(1801-1815) Causes Details Results Napoleon was longing to expand the French Empire in Europe Details Napoleon controlled most of Europe, either directly or indirectly Coalition of Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain formed to defeat Napoleon Results Monarchy was restored in France and the European countries attempted to maintain a balance of power Austria, Prussia, and Russia formed the Holy Alliance and attempted to reduce the spread of liberalism
Crimean War(1854-1856) Causes Details Results War between Russia and the Ottoman Empire over religious rights in Palestine and land in Eastern Europe Details France and Great Britain supported the Ottoman Empire because they feared Russia’s territorial ambitions Results Russian was defeated and withdrew from European affairs and attempted to modernize This war also destroyed the Concert of Europe, where the big powers had agreed to negotiate rather than use war
Prussian Wars of Unification(1864-1871) Causes Prussia was looking to gain land and bring unification to Germany Details Prussia defeat Denmark, Austria, and France in a series of three separate wars Results Germany becomes unified under a Parliamentary monarchy led by William I of Prussia Tensions of this war led to much bitterness and resentment between Germany and France
Russo-Japanese War(1904-1905) Cause: Japan invaded Russia looking to gain more land Details: It was clear that Russia simply it did not have the same level of technology as Japan Results: Russia gave up a large amount of land and realized that they still had a large amount of industrialization to do The people of Russia revolted in 1905, but did not actually gain much