STANDARDS/RULES OF THE QUIZ SHOW You will be timed as you answer the questions as a group. For easy questions, you only have 7 seconds to answer the question. For difficult questions, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question. The group which is the noisiest will be deducted points.
1, 2, 3 Ready, set, Go!
Land area of East Asia
Land area of East Asia 11,526,000 km2 11, 255,000 km2 11, 525, 000 km2 11, 025, 000 km2
The point of view based on the thoughts and beliefs of Europeans
Eurocentric Europocentric European point of view D. Euric-centric
How many countries does Southeast Asia have?
Countries in Southeast Asia 5 12 11 10
What is the name of this river?
What was that river? Ganges River Mekong River Irrawaddy river
This concept pertains to the estimated population increase every year
Poverty rate Life expectancy rate Population growth rate
What is the name of this desert. A. Rub’ al Khali B. Gobi Desert C What is the name of this desert? A. Rub’ al Khali B. Gobi Desert C. Sahara Desert
Land area of Asia
Land area of Asia 43,608,000 km2 44,608,000 km2 43, 606,000 km2 43, 806,000 km2
What is the name of this river. A. Mekong River B. Yangtze River C What is the name of this river? A. Mekong River B. Yangtze River C. Yellow River
Southeast Asia’s climate is ____. Temperate climate Tropical desert climate Tundra climate Tropical equatorial climate
Term where the name “Asia” is derived from
asa asus asu asi
These mountains form part of the boundary between Europe and Asia
Cordilleras Ural Himalayas
Look at the map on the next slide and answer the following questions
What ocean is on the Eastern side of Asia?
Give the 2 main sub-divisions of Southeast Asia
Mainland Island
What is the name of this river?
What is the name of this river. A. Irrawaddy River B. Mekong River C What is the name of this river? A. Irrawaddy River B. Mekong River C. Red River
What is the climate of Southeast Asia?
Southeast Asia’s climate has ______, ______ and _________. Uniform temperatures, high humidity and lots of rain. Temperate climate, low humidity and less rainfall. Tropical desert climate, high humidity and less rainfall.
What is the percentage of people, aged 15 years and above who are able to read and write.
Functional literacy Illiteracy rate Literacy rate
What is the highest point in Asia?
Mt. Godwin Mt. Apo Mt. Everest
What kind of pollution is caused by smoke and other chemicals which are released from cars, houses and factory chimneys?
Water pollution Air Pollution Land Pollution
The total number of people living in a particular place, region or community.
Population growth Population Life Expectancy
What is a permanent destruction of the forest in order to make the land available for other uses? DEFORESTATION