77 Days until the Appalachian Studies Association Conference It’s time to get organized!
Today: Turn in permission forms and medical information Sign up for Remind Budget discussion. Flapjacks and Fiddles Information Bob Evans Fundraiser information Work calendar and project expectations
Sign up for Remind and Hand in Permission Forms
Budget update- These are estimates! Original Fundraising Need- $5,400 plus driver’s lodging Lodging at the Millennium hotel (or Holiday Inn) $3,850 What we’ve got and what we need: We’ve raised $675.00 The conference is providing $5,000 for lodging and travel. This leaves $3,575 to fundraise
Students and parents responsible for: If no more fundraising is done this comes out to $143 a student to cover the bus and lodging. This difference paid for by the students will be due MARCH 23, 2018. Turn in to Mrs. Salfia by this day. Conference Registration ($100) and Friday Night banquet ticket ($20.00)- do this on your own on the conference website. Spending and meal money (keep on you)
Upcoming Fundraisers: Flapjacks and Fiddles Bob Evans Potential Grant of $2,000- will hear mid-March
Applebees in Martinsburg from 8-10 Flapjacks and Fiddles February 17, 2018 Applebees in Martinsburg from 8-10 Students MUST Sell tickets (our goal is 150 tickets sold). Be at Applebees on the 17th ready to serve and bus tables Sign up now for your “role” that day. Parents- I am also asking if you will donate a raffle item. We will sell raffle items at the door. Example: a themed basket, tickets to an event, a gift certificate…
Bob Evans TBD
Work Calendar and Expectations
Group 1: Ashton, Autumn, Jillian C, Zach Group 2: Jillian Linton, Corrina, Ally M Group 3: Kim, Madison K Group 4: Ashli-Ann, Amber W Group 5: Nate and Elle Group 6: Chloe, Loghan, Kyla Group 7: Kiriah, Haylee Group 8: Cameron, Zach, Group 9: Jaelyn Group 10: Kala, Zyianna, Haily Group 11: Emma, Amy, Kaitlyn, KC