Imperialism Vocabulary – Part 1 Sepoys – Indian soldiers in the British East Indo Co.’s army Viceroy – Governor sent to rule India directly after sepoy rebellion Sovereignty – Right of people to choose their own government Monroe Doctrine – U.S. policy telling Europe to stay out of Latin American affairs Sphere of Influence – region where only one imperial power had the right to invest or trade Protectorate – relationship in which a nation had its own government, but its military is controlled by another government.
Imperialism Vocabulary – Part 2 Imperialism – policy of one nation directed or indirectly controlling the political or economic life of other nations Direct Rule – When one country rules the government/economy of another country Indirect Rule – When a country allows the government/economy of another country to make some decisions Annex – To take control of something Isthmus – Narrow strip of land that connects two bigger land masses Extraterritoriality – legal practice of foreigners living in a country but not being subject to the laws of that country.