Agenda (for me) Voice Lesson #3: Leyster Self-Portrait “Two Ways to Belong in America” Mini Quiz Video Clips Discussion Intro to Synthesis Group Essay/Group Time HW: Start drafting ideas for group essay
Welcome Back!! Reminders (1/24/18) HOMEWORK: Work on developing ideas for synthesis group essay Reminders Unit 1 Test – Next Wednesday, 1/31 Study Guide will be posted over the weekend. It will have a multiple choice portion and a written portion Pre-Course Reading: Things Fall Apart COMPLETED BY Monday, 1/29): You will need your pre-course reading book (In class) as well as your completed work. You should have the book finished – that is a given. Need a copy of The Tragedy of Othello (No Fear copy is OK) by Monday, 2/5
Voice Lesson #3 You will examine a self-portrait by Judith Leyster, a famous painter. Think about how Leyster expresses her voice—her style or personality. Look carefully at the details of Leyster’s self-portrait.
Write About It What is Leyster saying about herself? Complete two sentences as if you were Leyster in this portrait. I am… I feel… Base your statements on the picture, not your own feelings. How do you know what Leyster is saying about herself? What evidence can you find in the picture that supports your statements?
Confidence (smiling with full face; casually posed with arm propped on chair; lips parted as if she is about to speak; paused in her painting – looking at someone; could be self promotion advertising both her products and her talents; has a fistful of brushes; canvas shows her skills a type of painting – showing off her skills; caught her in the middle; arm propped on something uncomfortable; her clothing – dressed up – would she really where this while painting? Wanting to look professional/proper
Mini-quiz: 3rd block
Two Ways to Belong in America For each clip, answer: What is the conflict? How do the characters assimilate or not assimilate? How does this clip relate to “Two Ways to Belong in America”? Whose beliefs are similar to Mira’s? Whose beliefs are similar to Bharati’s? Cultural assimilation: process by which a person's or group's culture come to resemble those of another group.
Two Ways to Belong in America Clip #1: Bend it Like Beckham Clip #2: One Day at a Time Clip #3: Fresh Off the Boat
Intro to EA#2 – Writing a Synthesis Paper P. 59 – Identify the skills and knowledge you will need to complete this task Rubric Review Identify the skills needed on the proficient category of the rubric. Remember our first time – circle verbs and underline the nouns, etc. Sticky notes for each one Self-Assessment: Traffic Light with skills What pieces have we ‘read’ so far?
Collaborative Group Work Time Establish your position, write your thesis, choose your texts Divide the essay (organize by claim or by text) Each student will input his/her email address on my laptop so I can share our class folder with you. That is where you will collaboratively work on your synthesis essay and where I will grade it.