Is it ok for a girl to ask a boy out?


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Presentation transcript:

Is it ok for a girl to ask a boy out? Points for discussion Gender stereotyping Society’s views What does it say about a girl? What does it say about a boy?

Do you believe in TRUE LOVE? Points for discussion: Ask pupils to define true love – what is it? What does it look like? How do we know we are in love? What does it feel like? Do they think the opposite gender believes in true love? What happens if true love doesn’t work out?

Who should pay on a date? Points for Discussion: What does society generally think? Why? – In previous generations men had money and women did not, or had very little. This isn’t the case in modern society Why should one gender pay? What about splitting the bill? Do you think if one person pays it signals that they are in charge? (Uneven power balance: unhealthy relationships) What is most fair? (Fair: healthy relationships)

Is it Ok to have sex before marriage? Points to discuss: Sexual intimacy is a big commitment and a big emotional investment. Is marriage important? Cultural considerations – in some cultures there is shame around pre-marital sex. Is it different for boys/girls?

Is it OK to check your partner’s messages Is it OK to check your partner’s messages? (“They shouldn’t have anything to hide”?!) Points to discuss: Healthy relationships: Trust; Believing the other person; Respect partner’s right to privacy Would you like it if your partner accused you of cheating and insisted on checking your messages – how would that feel? Challenge misconception of “wanting you to themselves” as a display of love. How would it change the way you messaged your friends if you knew your partner would read them?

All men CHEAT Points to Discuss: Pupils to define ‘cheating’ – intimate activities? Kissing? Texting? Is it just men? Or women too? If we expect men to cheat, are we saying it’s OK? Do we think it’s worse for a woman to cheat? Can cheating be forgiven? (Forgiveness: Healthy Relationships/ No trust; Jealousy: Unhealthy Relationships?)

Should Women have to stop working when they have children? Points to discuss: Gender stereotypes/Societal norms – the female parent is usually the main care giver. Why does society think this? – challenge misconception that gender indicates capacity as a caregiver. Do women get into serious relationships expecting that their career will have to wait/end? Healthy relationships: Fair – Men should share the burden? Healthy relationships: Choice, discussion, compromise about important issues such as childcare/career. Single parents – may not have a choice – single parents tend to be women (Gingerbread: 91% single parent families are female caregiver; 9% male) Same sex parents – not a gendered issue – may come down to who enjoys their job most/who earns most money – isn’t this how it should be decided regardless of gender?

Is it a man’s responsibility to pay the bills? Points for discussion: Gender stereotyping/Societal expectations? Follow on from last slide – if woman isn’t working, her partner has to pay bills? Healthy relationships: Sharing; Fairness; Compromise; Agreement. Unhealthy relationships: Financial Abuse; Uneven power/control. What happens if the relationship ends - how will the woman cope?

Are Relationships difficult? Points to discuss: What makes them easy/difficult? When we try to incorporate another person into our lives: we have to consider their feelings, their dreams, their needs, their wishes: This can be time-consuming and tiring! If we make space for someone else in our lives where does that space come from? Do we see our friends/family less? Give up our hobbies/activities? Sleep less? How can we tell what someone else is thinking/wanting? How can we tell what we think/want/need? How do we overcome cheating/arguments – do we walk away or do we work on things? Do they get easier as you get older, or do you just feel differently about relationships?

Do opposites attract? Points to discuss: Healthy relationships: shared interest; communication; experiencing new things. Unhealthy relationships: arguments; can’t understand each other; no common ground. If they attract in the first place – can the relationship work as it develops? What if you have opposite views about important issues like having children or travelling the world? Is this affected by race/culture/family?

Should your partner know everything about you; and should you know everything about them? Points to discuss: Where do we draw the line? What kind of things are OK to keep private? Healthy relationships: Right to privacy, trust, open communication. Unhealthy relationships: Keeping secrets; dishonesty; mistrust. What happens if the relationship ends – what happens to the information that you have told them?

Do women get jealous if their male partner has female friends? Points to Discuss: Is it just women or do boys get jealous over a female partner’s male friends? What about same-sex couples? Is jealousy OK – and how much? Healthy relationships: respecting each other’s right to freedom and to have other relationships; trust; communication. Unhealthy relationships: Dishonesty; Socially isolating your partner (Abuse); Can men ever just be friends with women? Can women ever just be friends with men?