Available Backgrounds BlueBG_Logo
Available Backgrounds BlueBG
Available Backgrounds BlueBGWhiteFoot_Logo
Available Backgrounds BlueBGWhiteFoot
Available Backgrounds GreyBGBlueFoot_Logo
Available Backgrounds GreyBGBlueFoot
Available Backgrounds WhiteBGBlueFoot_Logo
Available Backgrounds WhiteBGBlueFoot
How to use this template For PC To save this as a theme within PowerPoint, type Windows+R and enter “%appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes” Drag the .thmx file into this directory For Mac Open finder and use the Go menu to go to folder and enter “~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/My Themes” Move the .thmx file into this directory After it has been saved here, it will be available in your custom themes upon opening PowerPoint
How to use this template Alternatively, you can use this .pptx file and delete the slides that you do not need. To change the background, right click on the slide in the slide pane and select Layout ->
Working with the Logo Do not change the ratio of the logo Only use the bottom left or right handles while holding the shift key make the adjustment and never use the middle adjusters to resize text (or photos)
That’s the “White Gold White” option on the bottom for dark backgrounds.
Suggested Colors To stay within WVU Branding colors, please try to constrain to the allowed colors within this PowerPoint. Consider also changing your graphs, where possible, to use these colors. https://brand.wvu.edu/downloads-toolkit/color-palette
Suggested Fonts To stay within WVU Branding rules for font usage, please try to follow these guidelines: http://brand.wvu.edu/brand-guide/graphic-language/type
Please use an all black slide if you are displaying graphs or visual elements that are distracting on one of the templated slides. Like this…