Chapter 6 How Advertising Works
How Advertising Communication Works Source: the advertiser Objectives Source credibility Noise: external and internal External environment Internal factors
Message Reception and Response Perception: breaking through Exposure: making contact Attention: creating stopping power Awareness: making an impression Interest and Relevance: creating pulling power
Message Reception and Response Learning: making it clear Cognitive learning: creating understanding Conditioned learning: creating associations Memorability: creating locking power
Message Reception and Response Persuasion: changing attitudes Attitudes and opinions: affecting beliefs Emotions: affecting feelings Involvement: creating engagement Conviction: creating certainty Action: motivating behavior Feedback
Involvement: Personal Importance or Interest Low Levels of Involvement Simple Processing Peripheral Cues: Music, Color, or Celebrities Attitudes are Weak and may be Easily Changed Message Integration with Previous Knowledge Message Arguments and Product Attributes Strongly Held Attitude Change High Levels of Involvement
The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) Central route to persuasion Persuasion Product beliefs Brand attitude Purchase intention Comprehension Deeper thoughts More elaboration Attention product-related information Higher involvement Exposure to persuasive communication (ad) Peripheral route to persuasion Persuasion Nonproduct beliefs Attitude toward ad Comprehension Shallow thoughts Low elaboration Attention “peripheral” nonproduct information Lower involvement
How Brands Work Brand personalities Branding Trust Brand image Brand relationships Brand equity