Investment Opportunity Poinciana, Florida
Investment Opportunity We are currently seeking for an investment capital of $390,000.00 minimum to build 3 affordable new homes in Poinciana, Florida. The houses we are building have a modern design, something different within the area 3-4 bedrooms , 2-3 Bathrooms and ranged between 1300 sf to 1800 sf. In order to be cost effective the investor will place enough funds to build a minimum of 3 houses at the same time, a house including the land, construction and impact fees has a maximum value of $130,000.00 for a total o $390,000.00 (3houses min.) We are offering to the investor a minimum return to the investment of $12,000.00 per house and we will be building a minimum of 12 houses per year with a one year investment of $390K.The $12,000.00 profit per house will be paid to the investor as soon as the house is sold to the final new home end user and the $390,000.00 will be paid back to the investor using the funds of the sales of the last 3 homes of the investment year. $12,000.00/house x 12 houses/year =$144,000.00 net profit per one year =39.92% Return to the investment per year To protect the investors money we will used the Lot, the construction and the house as collateral. The disbursement of the investors funds will be completed as per construction phases not in one draw ,it will be an inspection for every process of of the construction just to make sure that the funds are used properly. We currently have 30 + new home end buyers/users awaiting for the construction of the houses
One year Investment Opportunity Investment/year $390,000.00 $12k Profit $144,000.00 net profit per one year =39.92% Return to the investment per year
Our Proposed Modern Designs
Our Proposed Modern Designs & Layouts
Our Proposed Modern Designs & Elevations
Poinciana, Florida
Poinciana, Florida
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