URIAH: FAITH OF A FOREIGNER Lesson 6 for the 6th of November, 2010
The war against the Ammonites ended with the siege of Rabbah The war against the Ammonites ended with the siege of Rabbah. That involved an important change in David’s the people of Israel’s lives.
DAVID, BEFORE RABBAH WAS BESIEGED How can we know David’s character studying his thoughts in the next circumstances? Before Goliath 1 Samuel, 17 Moving the ark 2 Samuel, 6; 1 Chronicles, 13 With Saul 1 Samuel, 24, 26 With Mephibosheth 2 Samuel, 9 Planning the temple 2 Samuel, 7; 1 Chronicles, 17 Leading the army 1 Samuel, 18: 16; 2 Samuel, 5: 6-25
URIAH, BEFORE RABBAH WAS BESIEGED In that time, the name of a person was related to his character or to what his parents wanted him to be in the future. What does “Uriah” mean? What does it show about his character? HIS NAME “Hittite” –Uriah’s nickname– meant that he was from Anatolia. The Hittites ruled a great empire in current Turkey. Which were God’s orders in relation to foreigners (Isaiah, 56: 3-7)? HIS NATIONALITY Uriah was an elite warrior in David’s army and was married to an important Israelite woman. That meant that Uriah had completely accepted the religion of Israel. Do you remember any foreigner that accepted the Jewish religion and became a pillar in the people of Israel? HIS RELIGION
“But it was God’s purpose that by the revelation of His character through Israel men should be drawn unto Him. To all the world the gospel invitation was to be given. Through the teaching of the sacrificial service Christ was to be uplifted before the nations, and all who would look unto Him should live. All who, like Rahab the Canaanite, and Ruth the Moabitess, turned from idolatry to the worship of the true God, were to unite themselves with His chosen people. As the numbers of Israel increased they were to enlarge their borders, until their kingdom should embrace the world” E.G.W. (Christ’s Object Lessons, cp. 23, page 290)
DAVID’S BEHAVIOUR David’s fall happened in several consecutive steps: David used to lead the army when there was a battle. However, he preferred to stay comfortably at palace. 1 When he went up to the terrace he saw Bathsheba taking a bath. Instead of keeping his eyes off her, he took pleasure in an illicit thing. He insisted on sinning even when he found out that she was married. 2 What options did Bathsheba have before the king’s request? How did other biblical characters like Joseph (Genesis, 39) or Tamar (2 Samuel, 13) react in that kind of circumstance?
DAVID’S BEHAVIOUR David’s fall happened in several consecutive steps: David tried to hide his sin; he called Uriah to spend one night with his wife. But he didn’t get him to do that, even making him drunk. 3 He decided to add murder to his adultery sin. His conscience was so blinded in that moment that he sent Uriah to a sure death in the battle. 4
URIAH’S BEHAVIOUR How did Uriah show the next qualities? Patriotism. “Uriah had just arrived from the battle front, where the conditions were very different than in national land. The men of Israel camped outdoors before Rabbah; they suffered hardship and the rigours of the war, subsisting with military rations. He left his mates behind; they were living in those hard conditions, so Uriah didn’t want to take part of all the comfort and pleasures of life while his compatriots were suffering and losing their life” (SDA Bible Commentary, on 2 Samuel, 11: 11) How did Uriah show the next qualities? Patriotism. Loyalty to his mates. Loyalty to God. He didn’t benefit from the circumstances. His values were strong.
DAVID, LATER CONSEQUENCES “There was a great change in David himself. He was broken in spirit by the consciousness of his sin and its far-reaching results. He felt humbled in the eyes of his subjects. His influence was weakened. Hitherto his prosperity had been attributed to his conscientious obedience to the commandments of the Lord. But now his subjects, having a knowledge of his sin, would be led to sin more freely. His authority in his own household, his claim to respect and obedience from his sons, was weakened. A sense of his guilt kept him silent when he should have condemned sin; it made his arm feeble to execute justice in his house. His evil example exerted its influence upon his sons, and God would not interpose to prevent the result. He would permit things to take their natural course, and thus David was severely chastised” E.G.W. (Patriarchs and Prophets, cp. 71, page 723)
URIAH, LATER CONSEQUENCES He was faithful to the death. But Uriah’s story didn’t end there… “Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer… Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” Revelation 2:10