English II Argument and Research
Flashback Quiz What are the fours types of evidence we learned about in last class. You may use your notes. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Review What do you know about an essay?
Review What is the difference between an informational essay and an argument?
November 20 Target: I can identify the parts of an essay. Agenda: Quiz Essay Parts Practice intro and body 1 Read Act 4
Argument vs. Informational Paragraph by paragraph
Essay ______ ________ _______ __________
Marriage What is marriage? Marriage is when people love each other and start a family. American marriage has customs, food, and clothing.
Basic structure: Introduction Topic sentence Background information Thesis statement or claim
Body 1, Body 2, Body 3 Topic sentence Evidence Explanation
Conclusion Review main points in 2-3 sentences.
Essay Types Informational Essay Argumentative Essay
Look at The Two Essays Read them and as a group identify if it is an Argumentative essay or an informational essay. Explain how you know what type it is.
Exit Quiz What is the biggest difference between an informational essay and an argumentative essay?
November 12 Target: I can research a topic Agenda: iSafe video Go over outline Finish research Write introduction Begin reading Act 1
November 14 Target: I can paraphrase the information form a quote. Agenda: Quiz Reading with questions View first part of film Body 1 of essay
Quiz Name the 4 types of evidence 1. 2. 3. 4.
Research Essay Does you culture believe in the supernatural?
November 25 Target: I can compare two different versions of the same text. Agenda: Write body 1 of essay View movie Compare events
Outline Introduction: Topic My culture has wedding traditions. Background: Tell me about the traditions. Thesis statement: My culture has wedding traditions, clothes, and food.
Body 1 Topic: Evidence: Explain the evidence: My culture has wedding traditions. Evidence: Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website. (powerpoint) Explain the evidence: The evidence shows that ….
Analyze how the events are similar and different. Gnomeo and Juliet is different from the play Romeo and Juliet in 3 ways: 1. 2. 3. Gnomeo and Juliet is the same as Romeo and Juliet because _________________________ _____________________________________.
December 2 Target: I can write an essay using evidence. Agenda: Review Essay parts Finish essay paragraph 3 Notes on speaking and performing Split up the scenes and have students read them as a group. You will perform your scene for the class.
Body 2 Topic: Explain the evidence: My culture has specific clothes that the people wear at weddings. Evidence: Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website. Explain the evidence: The evidence shows that ….
You will be given lines to perform for the class. Make sure you read your lines and practice saying each word with your group.
Speaking and Performing Speak clearly Pronounce the words correctly Don’t read too slow or too fast.
Read scene together and watch the scene to practice. Practice your lines.
December 4 Target: I can identify the parts of an informational essay. I can Speak and pronounce words clearly. Agenda: Essay format quiz Essay annotation Speaking peer evaluation
Flashback Quiz Label each paragraph: Circle the correct answer for each How many paragraphs are in an essay? 4 or 5 What is the name for each paragraph, circle the correct answer: 1. Body 1 or Introduction 2. Introduction or Body 1 3. Body 3 or Body 2 4. Body 3 or Body 2 5. Introduction or Conclusion
Quiz Explain the three things the go in a body paragraph: 1. 2. 3.
Annotations Label each paragraph on the side: Introduction, body1,2,3, conclusion Introduction: Highlight the thesis statement in yellow. Body paragraphs: Highlight the topic sentence in blue. Highlight the evidence in green. Highlight the explanation in pink.
Speaking Perform your part in front of a peer. Check each other using the peer guide.
View Act 4 Make notes about actions you might be able to include in your part. Actions I could use to improve my part are __________________________________ because _____________________________.