By: Elijah Sterling & Alayna Mocarsky 1920’s Pop Culture By: Elijah Sterling & Alayna Mocarsky
Radio Local stations became popular and developed into national stations that became very popular Known as the “Machine Age” with emerging modern technology 60% of American families purchased radios 1922- 600 radio stations were available Advertising on the radio in the late 1920’s gave manufacturers a large profit Federal Radio Commission 1926 Radio Act of 1927 Monitored stations and set up times for each program
Movies America was the #1 producer of movies Color films were introduced, talking films were created “The Jazz Singer” aka “the first talkie” Hollywood studios were popular with three different groups: “Big Five”, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Metro Golden Meyer, RKO “Little Three” Universal, United Artists, Columbia Pictures “Poverty Row” Disney, Monogram Studios, Republic Pictures, 20th Century Pictures Actors and actresses were highly publicized Were told when and where to eat, how to dress, what they can do, etc., Mid 1920’s 800 movies were made per year
Jazz Age Jazz was very popular in the 20s. The future of jazz in the United States were defined by Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith, and Bix Beiderbecke. Jazz didn’t just influence music, it also influenced fashion, poetry and the industry. Jazz influenced a lot of fashion trends and it was apparent the way that the fashion industry revolved around the jazz culture.
Fads Vibrant red Lips Dances Pole Sitting Pez Popular makeup product for woman Dances Charleston, Fox Trot, Shimmy Dance marathons Couples competed on who can dance the longest for money Pole Sitting Started by Alvin “shipwreck” Kelly Started as a dare in 1924 Ended when the Great Depression started Pez 1927 Eduard Haas Short for German word peppermint Doubled as an anti-smoking campaign. Pushed for people to eat pez instead of smoke cigarettes
Bibliography "Jazz History: The Standards (1920s)." Jazz History: The Standards (1920s). N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. "Film History of the 1920s." Film History of the 1920s. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. "1920s Fashion & Vintage Clothing." 1920s Fashion, Dresses and Clothing. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. "1920's Fads and Trends : Roaring Twenties." N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. "Untitled." Untitled. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.