Stakeholder enquiry service – Request for a Eurofound study Christine Aumayr-Pintar, Eurofound Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee of the Hairdressing Sector.


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Presentation transcript:

Stakeholder enquiry service – Request for a Eurofound study Christine Aumayr-Pintar, Eurofound Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee of the Hairdressing Sector 25 March 2013

Outline Intro on job quality in the hairdressing sector Eurofounds current work using data from the European working conditions survey (EWCS) Outline of a project proposal within EFs stakeholder enquiry service 2013 Joint request from the EU sectoral social partners 2012 Scenarios of strategies of social partners cooperation in the hairdressing sector to improve the quality of work and employment

Job quality: 4 dimensions Job quality Earnings Prospects Intrinsic job quality Working time quality Employment contract; career advancement; suspected job loss; Skills and discretion; Good social environment; Good physical environment; Work intensity e.g.: evening/weekend work; taking flexi-time; changes in work-schedule Eurofound 2012: Trends in Job Quality in Europe, based on EWCS 2010

: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Intrinsic Job Quality (IJQ): Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

: Skills and discretion Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Intrinsic Job Quality (IJQ): Skills and discretion Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

Overview: job quality of hairdressers and others DimensionHairdressers - averageNon-Hairdressers - average Prospects Intrinsic job quality Skills and discretion Good social environment Good physical environment Work intensity Working time quality Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

The new project proposal… A first sketch… Scenarios of strategies of social partners cooperation in the hairdressing sector to improve the quality of work and employment working title

Project proposal – Eurofounds stakeholder enquiry service EU Social partners joint request to Eurofound in 2012 First proposal EF: Q Second proposal now so as to avoid overlaps with the COMs project

Research question and objectives How can social partners cooperate to improve the quality of work and employment in the hairdressing sector? To create 4 scenarios about the strategies for social partner cooperation to improve the quality of work and employment in the sector Guiding question… to be agreed upon or possible be reformulate in the course of the project Scope: can be limited further as well..

Why a scenario analysis? To deal with the future we have to deal with possibilities. Analysis will only tell us What is. Edward de Bono, Parallel Thinking Thinking through [scenario] stories, and talking in depth about their implications, brings each persons unspoken assumptions about the future to the surface. Scenarios are thus the most powerful vehicles I know for challenging our mental models about the world and lifting the blinders that limit our creativity and resourcefulness. Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World From: Foresight Horizon Scanning Centre, Government Office for Science, UK. Scenario planning. Guidance notice

What is a scenario (analysis)? Scenarios are mental models of possible futures Qualitative methodology which explicitly takes uncertainty into account, provides space for the involvement of stakeholders, And it can ultimately lead to guidance for action. It is not: an attempt to say, which future is more likely or a forecast of hard data …

How will this be achieved? Map and describe the current and future challenges in relation to the quality of work (contractor) Map and describe social partners capacities and initiatives Desk research, existing material: EWCS, REP study, mapping of social partner initiatives at national level; data from the COMs study (country profiles) Limited to 8 countries for new input 1-2 expert workshops, including social partner representatives from 8 countries To identify challenges and drivers related to quality of work and employment in hairdressing and interlinkages Moderated by an external contractor Contractor will draw up 4 different scenarios Desk research Interactive To be reflected upon again by experts

Next steps EF to discuss with EU level social partners the proposal EF will launch the tender (April/May?) Contract likely to be in place by summer …start of the desk research in Summer … 1 st expert meeting already around the October SSD meeting? ….

Thank you for your interest. Do you have any further questions?

Prospects: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

: Good social environment: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Intrinsic Job Quality (IJQ): Good social environment: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

: Good physical environment: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Intrinsic Job Quality (IJQ): Good physical environment: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

: Work intensity: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Intrinsic Job Quality (IJQ): Work intensity: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100

: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Working time quality: Hairdressers vs. rest of the workforce Eurofound 2013, Occupational profiles of hairdressers, Ruud Wetzels Composite index, ranging from 0-100