Experimental statistics Working Group on Methodology 3 May 2018
Why experimental statistics? Satisfy user needs: "fill the gaps", release faster New sources (big data), new methods (modelling) Enhance dialogue with users and academics Disseminate without damaging our brands
Pilot dissemination of statistics with a different level of maturity Eurostat pilot Pilot dissemination of statistics with a different level of maturity Launched June 2017 Communication elaborated in coordination with DIGICOM WP4 After analysis of existing practice (UK, NZ, ECB, NL) Avoid misinterpretation
Eurostat experimental statistics released to date Title Date of release Food price monitoring tool 08/06/2017 Labour market transitions World heritage sites Income, Consumption and wealth 04/07/2017 Skills mismatch indicators 08/08/2017 Income inequality and poverty indicators 28/09/2017 Structure of multinational enterprise groups in the EU 29/01/2018
…and more in the pipeline! Input-output tables (FIGARO) Micro-macro linking Quality adjusted labour index (QALI) ESSnet Big Data pilots
A wide range thematically, technically and format-wise Social statistics (poverty, income, skills, labour…), price statistics, business statistics Sometimes for ”regular citizens”, sometimes for experts Format: data in Eurobase, standalone but still machine-readable data (e.g. Excel) publications (e.g. Statistics Explained) with diagrams and tables presented but not exportable online tools.
Positive user feedback... Good to see innovation & experimentation. Thanks for sharing! Another step forward from data to knowledge. Thumbs up and many thanks Very interesting, new! A good way to push innovation in official statistics
…but more dialogue needed! European Statistics User Forum launched Facilitate dialogue between advanced users and producers (DIGICOM WP1) Each new experimental statistics will have a discussion on the user forum Needs promotion in the ESS!
National initiatives CBS innovation site Latvia, UK At last DIME-ITDG Steering Group meeting, some countries announced plans (DK, IE, HR)
The European platform for experimental statistics Will provide synergies for the promotion of European and national experiments Technical solution favoured by the ESS Directors of Methodology (DIME) : a “hub”, linking to national sites Please inform us about the URL of your national ”experimental statistics” site (if you have one) to ESTAT-ESS-VIP-DIGICOM@ec.europa.eu