The Globalization of Christianity
Europeans took Christianity wherever they went Europeans tried to establish Christianity in their empires and trade networks Success in some places; failure in others Local people redefined Christianity for themselves Local peoples accepted, rejected, and transformed it Islam Buddhism and Hinduism
Christendom in 1500 All of Europe and beyond ★ Roman Catholics ★ Eastern Orthodox ★ Smaller Christian communities The Roman Catholic Church unified Western European civilization for 1000 years Politically divided; religiously united The Pope
Martin Luther -- 1517 Catholic Monk Shatters unity of Roman Catholic Christianity Ninety-Five Theses Attacks corruption in the Catholic Church Luxurious life of the Popes Corruption and immorality clergy Church’s selling of indulgences
Luther’s understanding of salvation Salvation came through faith alone Bible is the source of all religious authority People interpret the Bible for themselves He challenged Church authority He questioned Church hierarchy Thus began the “Protestant Reformation” This was the stuff of revolution.
Luther provoked a Revolution in Christendom It divided western Christians -- Catholics vs. Protestants Some kings and princes break with the Pope The merchant class demands social equality Common people question the social order
Reformation spreads beyond Germany Thanks to the printing press – c. 1450 France, Switzerland, England, … Competing Protestant churches Lutheran Calvinist Anglican Quaker Anabaptist Each denomination was distinct None gave allegiance to the Pope
The Reformation triggers . . . Massacres, revolutions, and wars A counter reformation in the Catholic Church Christendom permanently divided Catholic vs Protestant Skeptical attitude toward ALL authority People think for themselves Intellectual life pushed in new directions New ways of thinking about politics and science
Christianity motivated political expansion Spain and Portugal saw expansion as a religious crusade Empire supported the globalization of Christianity Settlers and traders brought their faith with them Missionaries (mostly Catholic) spread the Christian message Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits Portuguese missionaries in Africa and Asia Spanish and French missionaries in the Americas Russian Orthodox missionaries in Siberia
Catholic Missionaries Greatest success in Spanish America and the Philippines Spain had an overwhelming presence Natives lacked a literate world religion
Spanish American colonies Spanish success demonstration of the power of their Christian God By 1700, most Natives were Catholic Natives forbidden from practicing old traditions Natives forced to reject their old ways The Spanish destroyed religious images objects ● Urinated on native “idols” ● Desecrated the remains of ancestors ● Flogged “idolaters” ● Humiliating offenders
Some native Americans resist Some refuse to take part in Christian rituals Some resume ancient customs Some blend their traditions with Christianity Natives incorporated rituals from old religions ❦ Incantations to various gods for good fortune ❦ Sacrifices of self-bleeding ❦ Offerings to the sun ❦ Fortune Telling ❦ Using hallucinogenic drugs They had created their own type of Christianity
Chinese encounter with Christianity Very different from the Native American encounter with Christianity Native Americans were conquered China was powerful & prosperous
Missionaries use different strategy in china Needed the permission of Chinese authorities Did not try to convert the Chinese masses Tried to convert the Chinese elite Jesuit missionaries learned Chinese and classical Confucian texts Jesuits downplayed their mission to convert Talk about exchanging ideas Jesuits show respect for Chinese culture Imperial Court welcomes Jesuits Imperial court valued western science, etc
Limited Acceptance in China A small number of Chinese elite convert to Christianity Very few ordinary Chinese converted 200,000 to 300,000 converted What explains the very limited acceptance of Christianity ❶ They had their own ancient and complex religions ❷ Missionaries required converts to sacrifice too much ❸ The pope claimed authority over Chinese Christians