Case Study: PPG: Developing a Self-Directed Workforce HR Management MBAO 6030
PPG: Self Directed Workforce What is a Self Directed Workforce? Why does PPG want one? MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management
PPG: Assessment Center What is an Assessment Center? Why is PPG using one? What Employee Characteristics are being screened? MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management
PPG: Assessment Center How effective is the assessment center at PPG’s Berea plant? What, if any, are its flaws? What alternative approaches could have been applied to make employee selection decisions? MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management
PPG: Self-Directed Workforce What are the fundamental tensions at the Berea plant accompanying the self-directed workforce? Which ones are Most Significant? MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management
MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management PPG: Peer Review Do you think Peer Review is an Appropriate Technique to use at the Berea Plant? Justify your answer. If so, how should Peer Review be Used? MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management
PPG: Delegating Responsibilities to Employees Where do you draw the line about which Management Decisions to be delegated to employees, and which ones to retain for management? Relate these guidelines to the Berea Plant. MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management
MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management PPG: Epilogue PPG in the year 2000: Net Sales: $8.6 billion Net Income: $620 million Employees: 35,600 Major Markets by Products: coatings, glass, fiber glass, and chemicals Important elements of PPG Culture: Teamwork, empowerment and employee development MBAO 6030 Human Resource Management