The outer most layer of the brain is called …. Cerebellum Limbic area Cerebrum Zombie Chow
The “Old Brain” or “Reptilian Brain” is another name for…. Pre-frontal area Mid-brain Axon Monday Brain
The place where chemical signals pass from one brain cell to another is called.. Neuro transmitter Nucleus Dentrite Synapse
The pathway that leads from the Neuron to the denrite is called the: Brain path Neuronic channel Axon Neuron Pathway
Serotonin is a neuro-transmitter that is associated with… Sleep Stress Appetite all of the above
In the movie Awakening what neuro-transmitter were patients lacking? Dopamine Acetylcholine Glutamate Melatonin
Nerve cells are called: Axons Dendrites Neurons Reflexes
How many lobes of the brain are there? One Two per side Four It depends
Produced by the brain this chemical controls pain and is responsible for the “runners high” Adrenalin Endorphin Insulin Caffeine
This gland is part of the Endocrine System and found at the base of the throat under the voice box. Pancreas Thalamus Thyroid Pituitary
This gland located in the middle of the brain is called the master gland and controls growth. Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Parathyroid
The sex organs, testes in men and ovaries in women, are also called: Pancreas Adrenal cortex Hormones Gonads
Attached to the Thyroid gland it regulates calcium in the blood. Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Parathyroid