Microsoft Confidential. An incubation effort to: Support client -> server communication in native code with a modern C++ API design Support writing Azure-based and on-premise REST services in modern C++ Let developers fall into a pit of scalability success by designing the I/O libraries to primarily provide asynchronous APIs Experiment with actor-based programming model(s) in C++ Casablanca What is it? Accomplished by set of libraries, tooling, and hosting services Cross platform – public API is only C++11 (Win32, WinRT, Linux) Open source (fall 2012) Eventual supported release as the Azure SDK for C++
Microsoft Confidential. Inspirations and basic principles Highlight some of the major features HTTP, JSON, Azure Storage, Async I/O, Tooling and Deployment Demos and code walkthroughs Casablanca Overview
Microsoft Confidential..NET Client APIs, asynchronous libraries Node.js Simplicity, asynchronous-only I/O libraries Erlang Actor model: scalable, safe, robust server-side code Casablanca Inspiration
Microsoft Confidential. Casablanca Architecture Async File I/O Timers Binary Serializers JSON Parser & Writer Azure / IIS HostWindows Executable Host Windows 7 / 8 IOCP PPL WinHTTP/HTTP.s ys HTTP Client & Listener TCP Client & Listener Web Sockets Client & Listener UDP Client & Listener Apps & Libraries Azure Services Window s Live Xbox Live C++ Actors Bing Maps
Microsoft Confidential. Service scalability is often bounded by I/O efficiency and per-connection resource consumption Casablanca Asynchrony Essential for responsive GUI Asynchrony is hard, requiring code to be rewritten with inverted control flow (callbacks) Composition of asynchronous operations is even harder without library or language support
Microsoft Confidential. REST is the main pattern in use for web services Mostly for stateless services, but can be used for stateful services, too (although that violates its core principles). Much less complex than SOAP Supported in Java,.NET, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, etc. Native code developers on Windows can use OSS libraries or complex Win32 C APIs Casablanca REST
Demo Hello World http_client client(L" http_response response = client.request(methods::GET).get(); std::wstring response_string = response.extract_string().get();
Microsoft Confidential. Text-based serialization format Based on JavaScript Casablanca JSON JSON has become the de facto standard for serializing data for REST services Much less complex than XML Supported by most language environments on the Web
Microsoft Confidential. Blobs Simple, file-like, storage Azure Storage Blobs, Tables, Queues Tables Non-relational table storage Queues Small (64KB) messages queued persistently in the cloud Cloud-based storage Persistent, redundant, available everywhere (client, on-premise server, cloud)
Demo Guest Book
Demo Video Streaming
Demo Image Stitcher
Microsoft Confidential. Casablanca Azure Integration Casablanca is focusing on providing the following native- code integration points out-of-the box: VS template(s) for building Azure projects in C++ Library bindings for Azure storage, service bus, and service runtime Azure hosting in both web roles and worker roles
Microsoft Confidential. Were also providing capabilities for building on-premise services in C++: Casablanca On-premise Integration with IIS A stand-alone host (console executable, not NT service)
Microsoft Confidential. Download binaries, samples, and documentation at Casablanca More Information Forum Questions Release Timeframe Open source this fall, client side supported release end 2012/early 2013
© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Confidential. Requires C++11 support for lambdas and move semantics Casablanca C++ Actors C++ library based on Erlang concepts Actors Message-passing Failure-resistant pattern support