Observational Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Observational Learning Do as I say, not as I do…. Learning by watching others

Observational Learning The Model - the person whose behavior the subject watches and imitates Modeling - The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior Memes - ideas, fashions and habits passed on by imitation. Fads all spread by copying one another.

Vicarious Learning Learn through observing behaviors and consequences of others Think about watching your siblings

Bobo Doll Experiments Social Learning Theory Albert Bandura Click for video

Modeling Requirements According to Bandura 4 cognitive processes are used in observational learning Must pay attention to the other person’s behavior. Must remember the other person’s behavior for hours, days, weeks. Must be able to physically re-enact what was modeled. Must have some motivation for you to imitate behavior.

Factors That Increase Imitation If rewarded for behavior If you feel like you’re being controlled If you’re mimicking people who are of similar sex, age, interests People who you perceive as higher social status When the task is easy to imitate If you lack confidence (copy cat acts) DiscPsy p.195

Biological Findings Mirror neurons in the frontal lobe by the motor cortex When you watch someone perform the task, your brain lights up as if you’re performing the task

Latent Learning Insight Learning Learning does not become obvious until a reinforcement is given for demonstrating it Where is the closest exit in an unfamiliar building? You will find it really quick when there is an emergency Insight Learning When one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem Ah-ha moment!

Mere Exposure Effect Did you love your favorite song the first time you heard it, or did it take a few times?