Learning Theories of Personality Ch. 14 Section 3
BEHAVIORISM Behaviorists look to the environment (not the person) to see what is enforcing behavior. If it cannot be seen, it cannot be studied. Behaviorism: the proper subject matter of psychology is objectively observable behavior- and nothing else!
What is the reason for this behavior?
B.F. Skinner: Behaviorism What causes a person to act a certain way? Not concerned with understanding behavior. More concerned with predicting and controlling it. Take the case of “Ruben”, a college sophomore.
Skinner “Depressed” is a vague label. What are his behaviors? And what is reinforcing his behavior? Contingencies of reinforcement: the conditions that reinforce certain behaviors. Can be rewards or punishments Ruben’s contingencies of reinforcement: Girlfriend’s attention TV and video games Feelings don’t matter. Behavior matters. To change the behavior, change the reinforcer.
The “Skinner Box”
Albert Bandura: Social-Cognitive Theory Personality is acquired by imitating others. Have your parents ever objected to your choice of friends? You tend to model the behavior of people that are in your environment and you admire.