Physical Science Simmons/Fortney Classroom Procedures Physical Science Simmons/Fortney
Why Should We Have Procedures in Our Classroom?
Where else are procedures practiced? Procedures are a part of life. They allow complex operations to run smoothly with minimal confusion, low stress, and less wasted time. Airports Driving Restaurants Movies School Where else are procedures practiced?
Classroom and Academic Expectations
Classroom Expectations The atmosphere in this classroom will be formal and academic, but comfortable. Students will work hard, learn physical science, and enjoy the process. If a visitor walked into our classroom during the day, what should they see?
I expect students to do the following things to make sure the classroom runs smoothly: Attend class and arrive on time. Have materials ready when the bell rings. Do Not Have ELECTRONIC DEVICES out. Listen when others are speaking. Follow directions the first time they are given. Get permission before speaking. Be polite and respectful toward each other. Stay on-task and focused on physical science.
Academic Expectations Come to class on time and have materials ready. Follow teacher’s directions and complete assignments. Work hard and enjoy the process. Do your best. Do not complain; it poisons the atmosphere.
Daily Procedures
Entering the Classroom Procedure Enter the room quickly and quietly. Get materials,,,, (pencil or pen, interactive notebook if instructed) and be seated. Read the bellringer assignment posted on the board and start working. If you finish the bellringer assignment early, work on something else quietly. Quietly, patiently wait for instruction.
BellRinger Procedure Read the bellringer assignment on the board and start working. Do not wait for the teacher or the bell. If you finish the bellringer assignment early, find something quiet to work on while others are finishing.
When you finish work early . . . quietly read a book. organize your planner or homework. sit quietly. do a puzzle. work on homework. wait patiently.
Class Opening Procedures I. Bellringer assignment time A. Students work on bellringer B. Teacher takes attendance, returns papers and checks on individual students as needed. II. After the bellringer assignment A. Teacher announces daily/weekly agenda. B. Daily lesson begins.
Tardy Procedure Enter the classroom quietly, read the board and complete bellringer assignment, and join in the classroom activities with minimal disruption. You will be given a tardy detention slip, so go ahead and ponder which day you would prefer teacher to put down.
Listening to/Responding to Questions Procedure When we are having class discussions, raise your hand to be called on and actively listen to whoever is speaking. Teacher will give specific instructions when students are to call out answers without first raising their hands. Ask only questions that are relevant to the lesson. Be respectful of all comments and ideas, even if they differ from yours.
Working Together in Groups Each student in a cooperative group will have a task which will be assigned by teacher or determined by group members. Example of tasks: - recorder - presenter - materials person - clean up person - leader–keep group on task
Getting the Class’ Attention The teacher will say, “ Excuse me” , “Listen up” or “I need your attention”. When you hear me you are to 1) stop what you are doing. 2) look at the teacher.
Walking in the Hall Procedure When we are walking in the hall (computer lab, outdoors) Stay with the group. Go quickly and quietly to the destination.
End of the Class Dismissal Procedure Hand in daily work in the appropriate instructed area. Put away materials. Wait for instructed time to return notebooks to cabinet. Make sure desk area is neat and trash is picked up. All students must be seated prior to the bell ringing. NO STANDING at the door. Push in chairs and proceed safely and quickly out the door.
Classroom Rules
Classroom Rules Stay seated and on task, sit in your seat unless you have permission to leave it. Do not disrupt class, raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Be polite and courteous to others, no interrupting the teacher and others when speaking. Do not throw or toss anything, keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Follow teacher’s directions, turn in completed assignments on time
Classroom Consequences Seating change/Conference with teacher Behavioral Assignment/ Call parents or guardian Referral
Bathroom Use The best time for bathroom use is during a class change. Each semester, you will be allowed 5 bathroom passes. If you need to go to the bathroom, raise your pinky finger up, until the teacher recognizes you. Once acknowledged, give teacher your ID and get the pass. Go to the nearest bathroom. Only five passes allowed during a class period. You should not leave class to use the bathroom unless it is truly necessary. No more passes given after the 5 allowed, until the 2nd semester. So…don’t ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Electronic Device Policy No electronic devices used in the classroom, unless used for educational purposes. Teacher will let you know if it will be allowed that day. All cell phones will be put in the cell phone “house” in separate envelopes, held safely in front of the classroom until the end of the class period.
Other Procedures
Classroom Visitors You may smile and you may say hello if it is appropriate and it does not disrupt the class. Continue to work in class as you normally would. Remember to make a good impression for visitors. We want to impress them.
Guest Teacher Be polite and respectful. The teacher is a guest and we want to make a good impression. Continue to work in class as you normally would. Remember, we want to impress all visitors in our classroom.