Public Budget Hearing 8/22/2017 Russell County Board of Education 10/01/17 – 09/30/18 Fiscal Year 2018
RUSSELL COUNTY SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT To engage students in quality learning experiences that will prepare them for success in college, career, and life.
ADM Comparison What does this mean for FY18? FY17 = 3,597.15 Reduction of 201.45 What does this mean for FY18?
Reduced Funding =
General Information GENERAL INFORMATION School 2017 - 2018 2017 - 2018 2017 - 2018 2017 - 2018 ADM EARNED TEACHER UNITS DIXIE 171.15 10.25 LADONIA 529.00 32.14 MOPS 349.90 24.55 MOIS 474.30 24.92 OLIVER 399.20 24.23 RCHS 977.20 54.44 RCMS 494.95 25.13 3,395.70 195.66
FY 18 Earned Units ASST Earned ADM TEACHER PRINCIPAL COUNSELOR MEDIA ASST Earned ADM TEACHER PRINCIPAL COUNSELOR MEDIA CTC TOTAL DIXIE 171.15 10.25 1.00 0.00 0.50 12.25 LADONIA 529.00 32.14 35.64 MOPS 349.90 24.55 27.05 MOIS 474.30 24.92 27.42 OLIVER 399.20 24.23 26.73 RCHS 977.20 54.44 1.50 2.00 59.94 RCMS 494.95 25.13 28.63 3,395.70 195.66 7.00 2.50 6.00 6.50 219.16 Not affected by 6th grade transition RECALCULATED ADM – Estimated new ADM by dividing the number of 5th grade students from prior ADM by current divisor (per SDE). Calculation shows number of teachers that will be reduced at each elementary school and earned at RCMS
Recalculated Earned Units Earned to Actual Comparison
State, Local, Federal
DIXIE ELEM NUMBER BY DIXIE ELEMENTARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type DIXIE ELEMENTARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 11.55 4.00 15.55 Librarians 0.50 Counselors Administrators 1.00 Certified Support Personnel 0.05 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 2.70 5.10 7.80 Total 16.25 9.15 25.40
LADONIA ELEM NUMBER BY LADONIA ELEMENTARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type LADONIA ELEMENTARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 27.70 1.00 29.70 Librarians Counselors Administrators 1.50 0.50 2.00 Certified Support Personnel 0.09 1.09 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 7.40 10.18 17.58 Total 39.60 11.77 52.37
MT. OLIVE PRIMARY NUMBER BY MT. OLIVE PRIMARY Source of Funds TOTAL MT. OLIVE PRIMARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 24.00 Librarians 1.00 Counselors 0.50 Administrators Certified Support Personnel 0.55 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 4.75 5.75 Total 31.80 32.80
MT. OLIVE INTERMEDIATE NUMBER BY MT. OLIVE INTERMEDIATE MT. OLIVE INTERMEDIATE Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 20.20 1.00 21.20 Librarians Counselors 0.50 Administrators 1.50 Certified Support Personnel 0.45 0.18 0.63 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 5.95 6.36 12.31 Total 29.60 6.54 37.14
OLIVER ELEM NUMBER BY OLIVER ELEMENTARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type OLIVER ELEMENTARY Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 21.90 1.00 1.30 24.20 Librarians Counselors 0.50 Administrators 1.50 Certified Support Personnel 0.28 1.28 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 4.20 5.56 9.76 Total 30.10 7.14 38.24
RUSSELL CO HIGH NUMBER BY RUSSELL COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Source of Funds RUSSELL COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 55.57 0.52 2.91 59.00 Librarians 1.00 Counselors 2.00 3.00 Administrators 4.00 Certified Support Personnel 0.21 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 11.25 9.42 20.67 Total 73.82 13.54 87.88
RUSSELL CO MIDDLE NUMBER BY RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 40.70 Librarians 1.00 Counselors 1.50 0.50 2.00 Administrators 3.00 Certified Support Personnel 0.05 0.19 0.24 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 6.75 12.38 19.13 Total 53.00 13.07 66.07
DISTRICT WIDE NUMBER BY DISTRICT WIDE Source of Funds TOTAL Type DISTRICT WIDE Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 1.50 0.50 1.00 4.50 Librarians - Counselors Administrators Certified Support Personnel 1.38 1.67 3.30 1.75 8.10 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 21.12 68.77 2.23 1.88 94.00 Total 24.00 70.94 7.03 5.63 107.60
TOTAL ALL EMPLOYEES NUMBER BY TOTAL ALL EMPLOYEES Source of Funds TOTAL ALL EMPLOYEES Source of Funds TOTAL Type State Earned Other State Federal Local EMPLOYEES Teachers 203.12 4.02 10.71 1.00 218.85 Librarians 6.50 - Counselors 1.50 8.00 Administrators 13.50 0.50 15.00 Certified Support Personnel 4.43 1.67 4.30 1.75 12.15 Non. Cert. Supp. Personnel 64.12 68.77 52.23 1.88 187.00 Total 298.17 74.46 69.24 5.63 447.50
STATE FUNDS (Major Sources) FY 17 FY 18 Change +/(-) Foundation Program $ 18,032,518 $ 16,773,404 $ (1,259,114) School Nurse 172,664 166,710 (5,954) Technology Coordinator 35,412 42,711 7,299 Transportation Operating Allocation 2,305,722 2,317,297 11,575 Fleet Renewal 216,988 228,368 11,380 Capital Purchase (Not Leveraged) 612,773 - Capital Purchase (Leveraged) 292,019 At Risk 101,867 93,555 (8,312) Career Tech O&M 28,803 24,517 (4,286) $ (1,247,412)
FOUNDATION PROGRAM FY 17 FY 18 Change +/(-) Salaries & Benefits $ 15,909,509 $ 14,857,645 $ (1,051,864) OCE Funds *(17,533/unit) 3,985,210 3,842,430 (142,780) Student Materials (421.514/unit) 94,928 92,380 (2,548) Technology (211.513/unit) 39,648 46,355 6,707 Library Enhance (30.44/unit) 4,979 6,672 1,693 Professional Dev (77.55/unit) 14,935 16,995 2,060 Textbooks (54.41776/adm) 194,509 185,127 (9,382) $ (1,196,114) * INCREASED $512/unit
STATE FUNDS-OTHER SOURCES FY 17 FY 18 Change +/(-) Alabama Reading Initiative 304,000 253,741 $ (50,259) Career Tech O & M 28,803 24,517 (4,286) English As A Second Language 1,951 2,798 847 Gifted 12,159 TBA - Jobs For Alabama's Graduates 33,000 $ (53,698) Net Increase(Decrease) in State Funds $ (2,497,224)
Title I, Part D (Neglected/Delinquent) 80,017 65,952 (14,065) FEDERAL FUNDS FY 17 FY 18 Change +/(-) Title I, Part A $ 1,345,200 $ 1,627,851 $ 282,651 Title I, Part D (Neglected/Delinquent) 80,017 65,952 (14,065) Title II, Part A (Teacher & Principal Training) 186,859 217,250 30,391 *not included in FY19 allocations IDEA (Special Education) 756,345 758,478 2,133 IDEA Pre-School (Special Education) 4,457 4,448 (9) Carl Perkins Basic Grant 58,955 70,518 11,563 $ 312,664